Chilli (Capsicum annum L.), is one of the most important spice crops in India. It is widely used in many cuisines as a spice to add hot flavour to dishes and sauces. The production of chilli is affected by several factors governed not only by the inherent genetic factors but also by several environmental factors and management practices. Therefore, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Maulasar, Nagaur-II, Rajasthan (Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India) initiated to conduct On Farm Testing (OFT) forassess the effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) ongrowth and yield Attributing characteristics of chilli. The present OFT was carried out at 20 farmers fields of Nagaur district of Rajasthan under supervision of KVK, Nagaur-II, Rajasthan during Zaid season of two consecutive years i.e., 2020-21 and 2021-22. The pooled data of both the years indicated that the foliar spray of naphthalene acetic acid @ 20 PPM increased plant height (70.45 cm), number of branches/plant (14.15), fruit set (49.42%), fruit length (8.40 cm), fruit weight (3.65 g), number of fruits/plant (133.55), fruit yield (292.50 q/ha), net return (₹ 345100) and benefit cost ratio (4.68) as compared to farmers practices (no use of PGR).It isalso observed that days taken to first harvest was almost two weeks earlier with the spray ofNAA. It was 84.50 days after transplanting in treatment (NAA @ 20 PPM) whereas; it was maximum (97.35 days) in control.
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