At the present time less than half of the design and design/construction firms use computers. Although the cost of a terminal or even a small computer installation is within reach of every such firm, very few can afford to develop a program which will make the computer do their work. Hence, PCA decided about five years ago to undertake the programming effort needed for the design of concrete structures and pavements. A group of programs for the IBM 1130 was released in 1967-68 and included analysis and design programs for airport pavements, concrete columns, flat plates, continuous frames, bridges, shearwalls, central core and exterior column supported floor systems, and wall-beam frames. A new group of programs was released in 1971. These programs, to be discussed in more detail' include: an updated and enlarged version of the analysis and design of flat-plate floors; analysis and design of concrete columns and column stacks; quantity and cost estimating for building frames; analysis of frameshearwall structures; analysis and design of footings and foundation mats; and preliminary analysis of multi-center arch dams. All these programs were developed for the IBM 1130 and some will be converted to other machines. The provisions of the 1971 ACI Building Code were carefully followed. A comprehensive maintenance service is provided for the 1971 PCA programs, providing any assistance or information that may be needed by the users and also providing for the distribution of information obtained from users.
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