Anion exchange membrane water electrolyzers (AEMWEs) have shown remarkable progress in terms of voltage efficiency and achievable current density in the past few years. Various methods are employed to assess the durability of AEMWEs at component and cell level, and include constant and cycled current/potential, start/stop cycles, and open-circuit-voltage (OCV) holds. Each technique may impose different levels of stress on individual components, and in cases have aimed to accelerate polymer degradation or to stress the catalyst or catalyst layer integrity. Particularly due to the more fundamental technology readiness level of AEMWE, it is essential to understand the degradation mechanism and failure modes at membrane electrode assembly (MEA) level.In this study, commercial AEM, ionomer, Co3O4 as anode and PtC as cathode catalysts were employed for fabricating MEAs. Square-wave and triangular-wave potential cycling were applied as operational-based stress tests to understand the impact of load cycling on degradation. Square-wave potential cycling appeared to accelerate catalyst layer degradation through ionomer oxidation, which lessened catalyst site-access and enhanced kinetics. On the other hand, triangular-wave potential cycling seemed to stress membrane (thinning) reducing the high frequency resistance (HFR). In both cycling patterns, the dissolution of cobalt (catalyst) and nickel from the porous transport layer (PTL) were observed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of the feed liquid. Moreover, a slight decrease in double layer capacitance supports degradation of catalyst layer. The motivation of this investigation was to mimic closely representative operation when directly integrated with renewable energy sources. The results discussed here may provide insight as to lifetime differences between different electrolysis technologies and provide pathways to develop stress tests for AEMWE systems and improve cell level durability. Figure 1
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