The ionization potential (IP) is an important parameter providing essential insights into the reactivity of chemical systems. IPs are also crucial for designing, optimizing, and understanding the functionality of modern technological devices. We recently showed that limiting the CC ansatz to the seniority-zero sector proves insufficient in predicting reliable and accurate ionization potentials within an IP equation-of-motion coupled-cluster formalism. Specifically, the absence of dynamical correlation in the seniority-zero pair coupled cluster doubles (pCCD) model led to unacceptably significant errors of approximately 1.5 eV. In this work, we aim to explore the impact of dynamical correlation and the choice of the molecular orbital basis (canonical vs localized) in CC-type methods targeting 230 ionized states in 70 molecules, comprising small organic molecules, medium-sized organic acceptors, and nucleobases. We focus on pCCD-based approaches as well as the conventional IP-EOM-CCD and IP-EOM-CCSD. Their performance is compared to the CCSD(T) or CCSDT equivalent and experimental reference data. Our statistical analysis reveals that all investigated frozen-pair coupled cluster methods exhibit similar performance, with differences in errors typically within chemical accuracy (1 kcal/mol or 0.05 eV). Notably, the effect of the molecular orbital basis, such as canonical Hartree-Fock or natural pCCD-optimized orbitals, on the IPs is marginal if dynamical correlation is accounted for. Our study suggests that triple excitations are crucial in achieving chemical accuracy in IPs when modeling electron detachment processes with pCCD-based methods.
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