The advent of the second data release of the Gaia mission, in combination with data from large spectroscopic surveys, is revolutionizing our understanding of the Galaxy. Thanks to these transformational data sets and the knowledge accumulated thus far, a new, more mature picture of the evolution of the early Milky Way is currently emerging. ▪ Two of the traditional Galactic components, namely, the stellar halo and the thick disk, appear to be intimately linked: Stars with halo-like kinematics originate in similar proportions from a heated (thick) disk and from debris from a system named Gaia-Enceladus. Gaia-Enceladus was the last big merger event experienced by the Milky Way and was completed around 10 Gyr ago. The puffed-up stars now present in the halo as a consequence of the merger have thus exposed the existence of a disk component at z ∼ 1.8. This is likely related to the previously known metal-weak thick disk and may be traceable to metallicities [Fe/H] [Formula: see text] −4. As importantly, there is evidence that the merger with Gaia-Enceladus triggered star formation in the early Milky Way, plausibly leading to the appearance of the thick disk as we know it. ▪ Other merger events have been characterized better, and new ones have been uncovered. These include, for example, the Helmi streams, Sequoia, and Thamnos, which add to the list of those discovered in wide-field photometric surveys, such as the Sagittarius streams. Current knowledge of their progenitors’ properties, star formation, and chemical evolutionary histories is still incomplete. ▪ Debris from different objects shows different degrees of overlap in phase-space. This sometimes confusing situation can be improved by determining membership probabilities via quantitative statistical methods. A task for the next few years will be to use ongoing and planned spectroscopic surveys for chemical labeling and to disentangle events from one another using dimensions other than phase-space, metallicity, or [α/Fe]. ▪ These large surveys will also provide line-of-sight velocities missing for faint stars in Gaia releases and more accurate distance determinations for distant objects, which in combination with other surveys could also lead to more accurate age dating. The resulting samples of stars will cover a much wider volume of the Galaxy, allowing, for example, the linking of kinematic substructures found in the inner halo to spatial overdensities in the outer halo. ▪ All the results obtained so far are in line with the expectations of current cosmological models. Nonetheless, tailored hydrodynamical simulations to reproduce in detail the properties of the merger debris, as well as constrained cosmological simulations of the Milky Way, are needed. Such simulations will undoubtedly unravel more connections between the different Galactic components and their substructures, and will aid in pushing our knowledge of the assembly of the Milky Way to the earliest times.
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