The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and knowledge of, and access to, Papanicolaou (Pap) testing among Hispanic and Native-American women. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted by surveying Hispanic and Native-American women. The survey was developed with the constructs of the Preventive Health Model and was designed to assess background characteristics, representation factors, social influence factors, and program factors among Hispanic and Native-American females. Hispanic (n=48) and Native-American (n=68) women aged 18 to 89 years. The surveys were distributed in several community health event sites throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. The primary response (dependant) variables include knowledge, cervical screening intentions, and perceptions regarding the use of the Pap test. Most of the women surveyed (97%) had heard about Pap testing and reported having had a Pap test. Abnormal Pap test results were reported by 36% of the respondents. Acculturation and less income were significant factors in whether respondents could afford a Pap test, had health insurance, had a regular healthcare provider, and worried that a Pap test would uncover cervical cancer. Income was additionally related to having a doctor recommend Pap testing, the ability to get to the doctors' office during office hours, and fear of a cervical cancer diagnosis. Acculturation (or language) and income were determinants of Pap screening behavior among Native-American and Hispanic women.