Introduction: ApoAI-ABCA1 mediated nascent HDL assembly promotes cholesterol efflux and reverse cholesterol transport, but the mechanism of HDL assembly is unknown. Objective: To determine role of PIP2 in ApoAI-ABCA1 mediated nascent HDL assembly. Methods and Results: To determine which lipid species are directly bound by apoAI, a lipid-protein overlay assay was performed using PIPstrips and sphingostrips from Echelon Biosciences. ApoAI bound directly to phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) rather than PC, PS, PE, SM or cholesterol. This interaction was not solely electrostatic, as PIP3, the most negative charged PIP had less apoAI binding than various PIP2 species. ApoAI did not bind to other charged lipids such as sphingosine 1-P, PI(3)-P, PI(4)-P, and PI(5)-P. Surface plasmon resonance assays using immobilized apoAI or PIP2 were performed, showing that apoAI interacted reversibly with PI(4,5)P2 in a dose dependent manner at the nM concentration range. The central domain of apoAI (residues 44-185) was sufficient for PIP2 binding. In RAW264.7 macrophages, depletion of cellular PIPs by treatments with PI3K inhibitor or PTEN inhibitor decreased cholesterol efflux by 45±1.4% and 41±6.4% respectively (p<0.005). Degradation of cell surface PIP2 via treatment with PI specific PLC decreased cell surface binding of apoAI by 37±6% and cholesterol efflux by 48±8% (p<0.005). In mouse bone-marrow derived macrophages, cholesterol efflux to apoAI was increased ~47% by GRIP (PIP2 binding PH domain of PLCδ) and decreased 41±8% by PTEN inhibition (p<0.005). Liposomes made with POPC:POPS:FC:PIP2 (65:20:10:5 mole ratio) were solubilized by apoAI at 37 o C, pH5, but apoAI had little activity using similar liposomes without PIP2 . ABCA1 expression led to 2-fold higher cell surface PIP2, assayed by flow cytometry using a PIP2 specific antibody. RAW cells stably transfected with PIP2 binding domain 2X PH-PLCδ-eGFP showed enrichment of this PIP2 reporter on the plasma membrane, while expression of ABCA1 led to partial redistribution to cytoplasm, consistent with ABCA1 having PIP2 floppase activity. Conclusions: ApoAI has novel PIP2 binding activity, ABCA1 is a novel PIP2 floppase, and cell surface PIP2 is required for optimal cholesterol acceptor activity of apoAI.
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