We report the absorption spectrum of Zn acceptor in InP. Fourier interferometers equipped with Si bolometers were used to collect spectra at sample temperatures down to 1.9 K. Zeeman measurements were made in the Voigt configuration at fields up to 6.5 T with the electric field of the radiation, E , polarised either parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field, B||〈001〉 . Energies for the G and D lines, corresponding to transitions from the 1 s 3/2 (Γ 8 +) to the 2 p 3/2 (Γ 8 −) and 2 p 5/2 (Γ 8 −) states, respectively, are 241.5±0.2 and 286.0±0.2 cm −1, respectively. Data taken at higher resolution (0.05 cm −1) indicate an intrinsic line width of 0.5 cm −1 full-width at half-maximum for a carrier concentration of 4×10 16 cm −3. At low magnetic field ( B<3 T), the D line rapidly broadens, losing intensity and becoming unresolvable. At the highest fields, four components for E|| B and two for E ⊥ B are resolved for the G line. Comparing data at 1.9, 2.9, 5.4 and 10.4 K reveals thermal depopulation effects. These experimental data permit determination of g-factors for the ground and first excited state of Zn in InP.