Acupuncture has been increasingly used as an integrative or complementary therapy for pain. It is well-tolerated with little risk of serious adverse effects. Traditional acupuncture and nontraditional techniques, such as electroacupuncture and dry needling, often result in reported pain improvement. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including migraines and low back pain. Acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system, releasing endorphins and increasing blood flow to the affected area. Acupuncture may also help to reduce inflammation and improve circulation in the body. Controlled trials have been published on pain syndromes, such as acupuncture for acute and chronic low back pain, knee osteoarthritis, headache, myofascial pain, neck pain, and fibromyalgia. For some conditions, enough data are available for systematic evaluations or meta-analyses. Acupuncture may provide modest benefits in the treatment of chronic low back pain, tension headache and chronic headache, migraine headache prophylaxis, and myofascial pain.The benefits of acupuncture for people with back pain has been well researched compared to many other conditions, with more higher quality clinical trials. This systematic review will focus on the use of acupuncture and its role in the treatment of low back pain to help better guide physicians in their practice. To determine the effects of a policy of ‘use acupuncture’ on headache, health status and chronic pain. The results of this study will determine if acupuncture, alone or as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy provides effective, safe and acceptable pain relief for patients.
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