The 2008 meeting of the Academy will take place at the Linnean Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London on 29th and 30th May. Together with IAWS the meeting is sponsored by the Linnean Society of London and International Association of Wood Anatomists. The local organiser is Professor David Cutler, President of the Linnean Society. The meeting has been organised in honour of John Barnett, FLS, Past President of the IAWS and active IAWA Member. Professor Barnett retired some years ago from the University of Reading following a very productive career as developmental plant anatomist, overall wood scientist, and successful science administrator and editor. At this joint meeting a number of John’s colleagues and friends will review recent developments on his pet subjects in wood science and plant development such as cell wall ultrastructure, the cambium, reaction wood, and various applied aspects of wood anatomy. John Barnett himself will present the prestigious Academy Lecture of the IAWS. In addition, the program caters for a wide range of contributed papers and posters on xylem by members and fellows of the three organizing societies. For registration and submission of contributed papers (each 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for discussion) and posters, please visit http://www.linnean. org/index.php?id=226. Details may also be found on the Academy website. NB. Since the number of poster boards and contributed papers is limited to 20 each, submissions will be accepted until all slots are full.
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