We propose a laser occultation method for simultaneous profiling atmospheric temperature and pressure. Measurements can be performed on the optical link between two low-orbit satellites, where frequency-stepwise laser pulses are transmitted from one to the other. These pulses, covering several oxygen absorption lines in the wavelength domain, measure the broadened atmospheric absorption optical depth along the transmission path with a spectral resolution of tens of megahertz. In this way, atmospheric temperature and pressure are obtained by analysing the retrieved shape and intensity of the spectral lines. With the motion of the two satellites, the inter-satellite optical link penetrates different atmospheric layers at various altitudes, enabling the measurement of the vertical structure of atmospheric thermodynamic parameters from the troposphere to the lower thermosphere. This paper presents an end-to-end simulation of the proposed method, including models for laser occultation beam tracing, radiative transfer, and data inversion. The simulation results reveal that with minimal satellite payload resources, this method can accurately measure temperature and pressure at a vertical resolution of 100 m from 5 km to 90 km altitude with accuracies of ±1.5 K and 5 %, respectively. As the proposed differential absorption laser occultation method is independent of the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis for data inversion, it can eliminate errors associated with prior data at reference altitudes. It is believed that our method has provided a promising approach to laser satellite constellation for atmospheric observation.
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