The Petungkriyono forest covers 53.88 km2 at Pekalongan Regency with 54.6% composition of mixed forest (29.43 km2). This study aimed to estimate above-ground biomass and carbon stocks from five villages; Tlogopakis, Tlogohendro, Kayupuring, Yosorejo and Kasimpar. Non-destructive samples of 30 plots were conducted by designing plots with 0.04 ha and stand inventory involving diameter at breast height, height and number of trees. The result showed that the total estimated biomass from five villages was 3,006.10 Mg ha-1 and carbon stocks were 1,442.93 Mg C ha-1. The averages of biomass and carbon stocks were 601.22 Mg Ha-1 and 288.59 Mg C ha-1. This indicates that 2,943 ha area of Petungkriyono mixed forest has carbon stocks capacity up to 1,769,390.46 Mg C. The highest above-ground biomass contribution 59% tree compared with 41% poles. The significantly higher above-ground biomass describes higher carbon stocks long term storage of CO2 to either mitigate or defer global warming. Climate change mitigation from carbon stocks can be obtained from CO2 equivalents if well managed. Petungkriyono mixed forest may have considerable potential for mitigating climate change by carbon sequestration.
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