Cholinergic signaling shapes sound processing and plasticity in the inferior colliculus (IC), the midbrain hub of the central auditory system, but how cholinergic terminals contact and influence individual neuron types in the IC remains largely unknown. Using pharmacology and electrophysiology, we recently found that acetylcholine strongly excites VIP neurons, a class of glutamatergic principal neurons in the IC, by activating α3β4* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Here, we confirm and extend these results using tissue from mice of both sexes. First, we show that mRNA encoding α3 and β4 nAChR subunits is expressed in many neurons throughout the IC, including most VIP neurons, suggesting that these subunits, which are rare in the brain, are important mediators of cholinergic signaling in the IC. Next, by combining fluorescent labeling of VIP neurons and immunofluorescence against the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), we show that individual VIP neurons in the central nucleus of the IC (ICc) are contacted by a large number of cholinergic boutons. Cholinergic boutons were distributed adjacent to the somata and along the full length of the dendritic arbors of VIP neurons, positioning cholinergic signaling to affect synaptic computations arising throughout the somatodendritic compartments of VIP neurons. In addition, cholinergic boutons were occasionally observed in close apposition to dendritic spines on VIP neurons, raising the possibility that cholinergic signaling also modulates presynaptic release onto VIP neurons. Together, these results strengthen the evidence that cholinergic signaling exerts widespread influence on auditory computations performed by VIP neurons and other neurons in the IC.
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