Experimental spectroscopic data on nuclear structure and decay are evaluated for known nuclides of mass 98 (Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In). Detailed evaluation results of individual reactions and decays are presented together with the Adopted values that are recommended for level properties, γ and β radiations, and other spectroscopic information. 98Mo remains as the most extensively studied nuclide via various reactions and decays. Level schemes of Sr, Y, Zr, Tc, and Pd nuclides in this mass chain are also well established to date; while Kr, Rb, Nb, Ag and Cd are amongst the least-studied ones for excited states, with only limited data available for each. On the neutron-rich side, 98Br has been identified in the 9Be(238U,F) reaction, but no spectroscopic data are yet available, while for 98In on the proton-rich side, only the ground state and an isomer are known with half-lives measured but their spin-parities and the absolute level energy of the isomer yet to be determined. While 98Ru and 98Rh have also been extensively studied, large discrepancies exist between the high-spin sections of the proposed level schemes in different measurements, and these need to be clarified and resolved with further experimental investigations to improve the currently-adopted ones, which have been selected from the measurements with higher statistics, considering no other criteria of preference. This work supersedes all the earlier evaluations of A=98 (2003Si07, 1998Si18, 1992Si21, 1983Mu21, 1974Me34).