Achievement of motherhood is the cherished desire of every woman, as fetus depends upon mother for its nourishment, so health of pregnant women is most important as motherhood represents the bearing capacity of fetus inside the womb and delivery in a healthy status. There are many physiological and psychological changes occur in different stages of pregnancy in which some of them may ends up in discomfort and trouble. Acharyas have described Masanumasika Garbhini Paricharya in classical texts of Ayurveda for pregnant women that help in the development of fetus, healthy growth of fetus and care to mother. Garbhini Paricharya is nothing but the care given to pregnant women mostly through Ahara and Vihara. It is the daily regimen one should have to follow in the most delicate days of their life. The nine monthly diets are singularly unique in Ayurveda. This Paricharya changes in accordance to the growth of fetus in the womb and at the same time ensures health of mother. One can find remnants of dietetics (Paricharya) with older women and midwives but detailed and comprehensive diet plan as Paricharya is being practiced only by Acharyas. The main intension of advising Garbhini Paricharya is Paripurnatya (providing growth to fetus and mother), Anupaghata (pregnancy without complications) and Sukhaprasava (for normal delivery and healthy progeny). In this paper we are giving a broad expanse of the month wise diet as Garbhini Paricharya which can be modified according to the season, age, place, and digestive fire of pregnant woman.
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