ABSTRACTIncreasing integration levels and demand for portability have made minimising the power consumption of circuits increasingly important for wide range of applications. Reversible logic is a low-power, low-loss design that can be utilised in low power CMOS, optical computing, nanotechnology, and quantum computing. Quantum machine learning Research is an area examines combining ideas from quantum computing and machine learning. In this paper, a new design of reversible logic-based arithmetic unit is demonstrated with CMOS and modified-GDI (MGDI) methodology for nanoscales using reversible gates. We provide a design for an optimized arithmetic unit, as well as some proposed methodologies for designing a reversible arithmetic unit with novel reversible gates, and compare them to existing circuits in terms of garbage output, constant input, number of reversible gates, and quantum cost, in this work. It can also be employed in Quantum computers due to its lower Quantum Cost and Garbage Output. Transistor-level implementations of the proposed arithmetic units are accomplished using Cadence Virtuoso tool GPDK 90 nm technology in combination with CMOS and MGDI techniques. Due to the optimization, the proposed arithmetic unit shows better performance in worst-case delay and power consumption than a comparable non-optimized Arithmetic Unit. According to the design and analysis of proposed Arithmetic Units. The proposed −1 design of the 4-bit Arithmetic Unit achieves optimisation by incorporating a reduced number of reversible gates and exhibiting a low quantum cost (12&40) using MGDI-FS. Similarly, the proposed −2 and 3 designs minimizes the number of transistors required, with a count of 80 and 120, and proposed −3 design, it eliminates the presence of constant inputs entirely using MGDI-FS.
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