In their recent article [5], the authors endow every finite-dimensional simple complex Lie algebra g with a coalgebra structure such that the composition μ◦δ of the two structure maps δ : g −→ g⊗Cg and μ : g⊗C g −→ g coincides with the identity. Moreover, the dual algebra (g∗, δ∗) associated to the Lie coalgebra is isomorphic to (g, μ). The coalgebra map δ is given explicitly for sl(n), those for the other types are obtained via embeddings g ↪→ sl(n). The purpose of the present short note is to elicit the conceptual sources of [5], starting from the observation that the coalgebra maps defined in [5] are in fact homomorphisms of g-modules. For Lie algebras affording non-degenerate symmetric associative forms, such coalgebra maps naturally arise by dualizing the multiplication. This immediately implies the abovementioned duality, and the formulae displayed in [5, §4] can also be subsumed under our general approach. By demanding that δ be g-linear, we depart from the usual compatibility condition of a Lie bialgebra, which requires δ to be a derivation. In that case, μ ◦ δ is a derivation of g. For fields of characteristic zero, only nilpotent Lie algebras afford invertible derivations (cf. [7]), so that non-zero Lie bialgebras over such fields never satisfy μ ◦ δ = idg. Let k be a field. Given a finite-dimensional k-vector space V , we consider the k-linear maps
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