We report on the first Raman data of Cu substituted La 1− y Sr y Mn 1− x Cu x O 3 (0≤ x≤0.10 and 0.17≤ y≤0.3, accordingly in order to have the same Mn 4+/[Mn 4++Mn 3+] ratio), collected in the frequency range 100–900 cm −1 and at room temperature, with parallel ( e i∥ e s) and crossed ( e i⊥ e s) polarizations of the incident ( e i) and scattered ( e s) light. Spectra were fitted with a Drude–Lorentz model, and peaks at 190–220 and 430 cm −1, together with two broad structures centered at near 500 and 670 cm −1, have been found. We also have observed that the A 1g mode is substantially shifted with increasing Cu substitution. The A 1g phonon shift is a linear function of the tolerance factor t and the rhombohedral angle α r, thus following the structural changes of the MnO 6 octahedra in the system.