Comparison of Ondansetron and Lidocaine in Preventing of Rocuionium Injection Pain This study was conducted to compare the efficiency of ondansetron and lidocaine for arm withdrawal due to rocuronium injection pain. The study were included 60 adult patients. Patients were divided into three groups, twenty patients in each. After cannulation with 20-gauge intravenous catheter on the dorsum of hand, saline was infused and 5-7 mg/kg thiopenthal was administered. Five seconds after thiopenthal injection, the turniquet was applied on the forearm. Group I patients received 2 cc (4 mg) ondansetron, Group II patients received 2 cc (2%) lidocaine and Group III patients received 2 cc of 0.9% saline intravenous. Fifteen seconds after study drugs administration, turniquet was released. Rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg was injected. Arm withdrawal of patients was assessed with four points scale. Number of patients who had no pain was higher in Group II Uian Group I and III (p<0.05), also it was higher in Group I than Group III (p<0.05). We concluded that lidocaine was more successful than both ondansetron and placebo in relieving arm withdrawal on rocuronium injection. In addition, ondansetron was also more effective than placebo for preventing of rocuronium injection pain. Bu calisma, rokuronyum enjeksiyonunda gorulen kol cekmenin onlenmesinde ondansetron ve lidokainin etkilerini karsilastirmak amaciyla yapildi. Calismaya alinan 60 eriskin olgu rasgele 20'ser kisilik uc gruba ayrildi. Hastalarin el sirtindan 20 G intravenoz kateter yerlestirildikten sonra salin infuzyonuna baslandi ve 5-7 mg/kg tiyopental uygulandi. 5 saniye (sn) sonra on kola manuel olarak turnike uygulandi. Grup I'deki olgulara 2 cc (4 mg) ondansetron, Grup H'dekilere 2 cc (40 mg) %2'lik lidokain ve Grup IU'deki olgulara ise 2 cc serum fizyolojik (SF) (%0.9) iv verildi. 15 sn sonra turnike gevsetildi. 0.6 mg/kg rokuronyum iv olarak verilip kol cekme tepkileri 4 puanli skala ile degerlendirildi. Rokuronyum enjeksiyonundan sonra hic agrisi olmayan olgu sayisi Grup H'de Grup I ve IIl'e gore daha fazla idi (p<0.05). Rokuronyum enjeksiyon agrisinin onlenmesinde, ondansetron da plaseboya gore daha etkili idi (p<0.05). Bu calismanin sonucunda; rokuronyum enjeksiyonunda gorulen kol cekme tepkisinin onlenmesinde lidokainin ondansetron ve plaseboya gore daha basarili oldugu sonucuna vardik. Ayrica, ondansetron da plaseboya gore daha etkili bulundu.