Introduction: Syncope affects up to 50% of people during a lifetime and is a common presentation to Emergency Departments (EDs). The Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit (AECU) Syncope pathway was established at our institution as a route by which low-risk patients presenting with syncope can undergo investigations without requiring hospital admissions as well as reducing length of stay for patients awaiting cardiology input. Hypothesis: The AECU Syncope pathway at Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK is safe and effective in reducing hospital admissions. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of patients seen via the AECU Syncope pathway in 2020. These were referrals from the Emergency Department, General Practice and Inpatient departments for 24-hour tapes and echocardiograms. Results: A total of 221 patients were referred to the AECU syncope pathway in 2020. Of these, 36 patients (16%) had abnormalities on 24-hour tape. The majority were ectopics (n=12) but patients were also found to have arrhythmias (n=10), bradycardia (n=8) and heart block (n=6). 10 patients had aortic valve dysfunction identified on echocardiogram: 4 had severe aortic stenosis and the rest had milder classifications of aortic valve dysfunction. In total, 42 of the 221 patients had an abnormality on echocardiogram and/or 24-hour tape. Of these 42 patients, 14 were discharged as their abnormalities were insignificant for further cardiology input. 28 were referred to cardiology clinic for review as an outpatient. In terms of readmissions, 6 patients had readmissions within 30 days but only 1 patient had a readmission attributed to syncope, and this was a presyncope episode for which the patient was safety netted for during the previous admission. There were no deaths reported within 30 days of presentation. Within 1 year, there were 2 deaths, but neither were attributed to a major adverse cardiovascular event. Conclusions: The AECU syncope pathway presents a viable, efficient and safe route by which low-risk patients who are under investigation for a presumed syncopal episode can receive cardiology input without requiring a prolonged hospital admission. In doing so, there is a significant benefit to hospitals by reducing strain on bed space and staffing, thereby improving patient flow.
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