The operating room (OR) remains a challenging and hierarchical work environment within healthcare, where the attending surgeon functions as a team captain. Unprofessional behavior or disconnects in this environment can lead to breakdowns in teamwork and reports within the safety event reporting system (SERS). Interventions focused on remediating adverse behaviors and team interactions should optimize team function and potentially enhance patient outcomes. The aim of the present study focused on decreasing the SERS reports regarding behavior and communication disconnects from November 2019 to March 2023. A multidisciplinary team designed a novel reporting system to separate mechanical and procedural safety events from communication and behavior-related disconnects in the OR. The following plan-do-study-act cycles were performed by the multidisciplinary team: (1) developed the role of the peer advocate (PA) to mediate conversations among team members when behavior and communication disconnects occur, (2) redirect behavior and communication disconnects reported in the SERS to the PA program, and (3) develop and discuss interpersonal skills to prevent disconnects from occurring. Thirty-nine disconnects were reported through the PA program during the 2-year trial. The most common initiating team member were nurses, and the most common identifying team member were surgeons. The number of monthly SERS reports regarding behavior and communication disconnects decreased with the described interventions. The multidisciplinary task force developed and adapted a process to address communication and behavioral concerns in an efficient and supportive manner, with the objective of restoring relationships among team members in the perioperative environment and deweaponizing the SERS.
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