Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is increasingly a recognized cause of severe respiratory infection among adults. This retrospective observational study compared the costs of RSV and influenza hospitalizations in adults aged ≥18years admitted to the Spanish National Healthcare System between 2016 and 2019. Mean costs per hospitalization episode were compared using a multivariable log-gamma generalized linear model adjusted by age, risk group and calendar year. Total annual hospitalization costs were estimated from population incidence rates (for RSV we used model-based rates reported in a published study due to the substantial under-ascertainment of cases) and the mean cost per episode. ICD-10 codes identified a total of 11,662 adults hospitalized with RSV and 79,319 with influenza. The mean length of stay was longer for RSV than for influenza in low-risk patients aged 60-79years, moderate-risk patients (those with chronic medical conditions) aged ≥50years and in high-risk (those with immunocompromising conditions) patients aged <80years. There were no differences in intensive care unit (ICU) admission (except for higher admission in high-risk RSV patients aged 70-79years), ICU stay or in-hospital case fatality rate. Mean costs per hospitalization episode were also similar: RSV €3870 (95% CI 3773-3942) vs influenza €3888 (95% CI 3836-3931). Total annual costs for RSV-attributable hospitalizations were estimated at M€194, twice than that of influenza (M€83). Annual costs increased by 11% over the study period for RSV and by 47% for influenza. In 2019, adults aged ≥60years and≥70years contributed 91% and 82%, respectively, of the total RSV-attributable hospitalization costs in adults. RSV has a significant economic burden to the Spanish National Healthcare System, likely greater than influenza. Efficacious RSV vaccines and antivirals have the potential for high public health impact.
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