Abstract. For any alternating knot, it is known that the double branch-ed cover of the 3-sphere branched over the knot is an L-space. We showthat the three-fold cyclic branched cover is also an L-space for any genusone alternating knot. 1. IntroductionAn L-space M is a rational homology 3-sphere whose Heegaard Floer ho-mology HFd(M) is a free abelian group of rank equal to |H 1 (M;Z)| ([12]).Prototypical examples of L-spaces are lens spaces. In recent years, it is recog-nized that L-spaces form an important class of 3-manifolds. For example, see[2, 12].We considerthe problem when cyclic branched coversof the 3-spherebranch-ed over a knot or link is an L-space. Toward this direction, Ozsv´ath and Szabo´[13] first showed that the double branched cover of any non-split alternatinglink (more generally, quasi-alternating link) is an L-space. Peters [15] verifiedthat for a genus one, 2-bridge knot C[2m,2n] (m,n > 0) in Conway’s notation,the d-fold cyclic branched cover is an L-space for any d ≥ 2, and that forC[2m,−2n] (m,n > 0), so is the 3-fold cyclic branched cover. For the latter,the same conclusion still holds for the cases d = 4 ([17]) and d = 5 ([9]), but itwould be false for sufficiently large d ([10, 18]).In this paper, we restrictourselvesto alternatingknots. As mentioned above,the double branched cover of any alternating knot is an L-space. Then, is the3-fold cyclic branched cover an L-space? The answer is positive for genus one,2-bridge knots. However, it is negative, in general. Let Σ
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