The possibilities for the emission of 4He and 14C clusters from hyper 202-235ΛRa are studied using our Coulomb and proximity potential model (CPPM) by including the lambda-nucleus potential. The predicted half lives show that hyper 202-231ΛRa nuclei are unstable against 4He emission and 14Cemission from 217- 229ΛRa are favorable for measurement. Our study also show that hyper Λ202235-Ra are stable against hyper Λ4He and Λ14C emission. The role of neutron shell closure (N = 126) in 213 ΛRn daughter and role of proton and neutron shell closure (Z = 82, N = 126) in Λ209Pb daughter are also revealed. As hyper nuclei decays to normal nuclei by mesonic/non-mesonic decay and since most of the predicted half lives for 4He and 14C emission from normal Ra nuclei are favorable for measurement, we presume that alpha and 14C cluster emission from hyper Ra nuclei can be detected in laboratory in a cascade (two-step) process.
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