A discrete Lagrange problem is defined as a discrete Lagrangian system endowed with a constraint submanifold in the space of 1-jets of the discretefibred manifold that configures the system. After defining the concepts of admissible section and infinitesimal admissible variation, the objective ofthese problems is to find admissible sections that are critical for the Lagrangian of the system with respect to the infinitesimal admissiblevariations. For admissible sections satisfying a certain regularity condition, we prove that critical sections are the solutions of an extendedunconstrained discrete variational problem canonically associated to the problem of Lagrange (discrete Lagrange multiplier rule). Next, we define theconcept of Cartan 1-form, establish a Noether theory for symmetries and introduce a notion of 'constrained variational integrator' that wecharacterize through a Cartan equation ensuring its symplecticity. Under a certain regularity condition of the problem of Lagrange, we prove theexistence and uniqueness of this kind of integrators in the neighborhood of a critical section, showing then that such integrators can be constructedfrom a generating function of the second class in the sense of symplectic geometry. Finally, the whole theory is illustrated with three elementaryexamples.