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Людиноцентричне управління персоналом українських підприємств як протидія викликам воєнного часу

The article actualizes the problem of forming flexible human-centered HR at the Ukrainian enterprises, that would satisfy the basic needs of every employee and staff saving, uninterrupted professional progress and adaptive skills for global challenges of the war period, and lead towards national economic self-realization and self-identification of human-personality, and economic stability of Ukraine. The aim of the article is the reasoning of the necessity to introduce comprehensive innovation principles of human-centered HR at Ukrainian enterprises as an effective counterweight to challenges of the war period and a foundation of the post-war economic reconstruction of Ukraine on the principles of sustainable development in accordance with the European green vector. The article reveals the authors’ vision of the emergence of a new model of the human-centered HR at Ukrainian enterprises, adaptive to the challenges caused by the war, post-pandemic and accelerated 4.0 Industry. It is suggested to introduce a flexible human-centered culture, a hybrid model of job and working environment of the future, comprehensive flexible well-being programs, and flexible adaptive Agile-approaches according to the principles of human-centrism and aims of the sustainable development, which would promote the creation of safe and inclusive surroundings for the realization of the potential of human-personality as the highest value of Ukraine. Based on the research results, the authors formulate conclusions and practical recommendations regarding the necessity of the rethinking and renewal of values and priorities under the conditions of the modern global challenges and new possibilities, according to which especially important is the implementation of comprehensive innovative human-centered approaches to HR at Ukrainian enterprises.

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Open Access
Інституційна структура радянської економіки та її роль у формуванні економічної спадщини України

The article is devoted to the historical and economic analysis of the key determinants of the institutional structure of the planned and distributed economy and their influence on the formation of the economic heritage of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to summarize the main trends in the evolution of the institutional structure of the Soviet economy and to determine its role in the formation of the «track effect» in the economic development of Ukraine. The article reveals the historical prerequisites of the institutional breakdown and the formation of the Soviet socialist economy, and characterizes the peculiarities of its institutional structure at various historical stages. The author reveals the mechanism of interaction between formal and informal institutions and their role in the economic development of the planning and distribution system of management. Defined the institutional features of the formation and functioning of the mobilization economy and the system of centralized state management of economic processes. The impact of the economic reforms of the 1950s and 1960s on the strengthening of the communicative value of horizontal economic ties and the formation of the «administrative market» as a matrix of the shadow economy has been established. Revealed the main distortions of the institution of property, the essence of power-property relations, the reasons for their rooting, and the economic consequences of its functioning. The author identifies the role of the Soviet institutional heritage in the distortions of the Ukrainian business environment and the risks of the emergence of the «historical rut» effect in the institutional development of the Ukrainian economy. Substantiated the conclusion about the advisability of a limited application of mobilization methods of economic management in the post-war economic revival and the need to develop state policy measures aimed at strengthening the institution of private property, protecting the rights of owners, overcoming corruption and establishing social control over the distribution of economic power and responsibility.

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Open Access
Економічна нерівність: концепт та підходи до вимірювання

The study of economic inequality has evolved from the classical works of S. Kuznets and A. Atkinson to the modern approaches of A. Sen, J. Foster, A. Shorrocks, G. Palma, and T. Piketty, which take into account the impact of globalization, technological changes, and political decisions. Economic inequality is understood as the uneven distribution of economic opportunities and resources, including income and wealth, among individuals and population groups. Two primary forms of economic inequality are distinguished: income inequality (which reflects differences in current income) and wealth inequality (which focuses on disparities in already accumulated income). Horizontal and vertical dimensions of inequality are identified. The key factors include global factors (globalization, technological progress) and specific ones (macroeconomic conditions, labor market regulation, demographic changes, and redistribution policies). The specific mechanisms for measuring wealth and income inequality are presented. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of methodological approaches to measuring economic inequality, it is established that, due to the absence of a universal methodological approach, using a combination of survey data, tax statistics, and national accounts allows for a more comprehensive analysis of inequality. The assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the Gini index, mean log deviation, Theil index, Palma ratio, and quantile ratios demonstrates that combining simple percentile ratios with complex indices fosters a deeper understanding of the structure and dynamics of inequality. Quintile ratios or the Palm ratio estimate the income gap between the richest and poorest groups, and the Gini ratio and the Theil index reflect changes in income across all segments of the population. It is emphasized on the need to adapt existing inequality indicators in Ukraine to international practices, particularly regarding wealth inequality.

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Open Access
Роль громадської сфери науки в контексті розвитку міст та громад: програма майбутнього

The article investigates the role of the public sphere of science in fostering the sustainable development of cities and communities, particularly in the context of the war in Ukraine. The full-scale war has led to severe disruptions, including the displacement of large numbers of people, which has strained local economies, and infrastructure. In this context, the article explores how science, through research, communication, and education, can address these challenges by driving innovation and fostering community resilience. The study draws attention to the significance of scientific literacy and public engagement in building trust between citizens, scientists, and policymakers, which in turn supports sustainable development and informed decision-making. Author of the research highlights the potential of the public sphere of science to enhance the quality of life by promoting innovation in urban management, infrastructure development, and community integration. This emphasizes the importance of strategic planning, the use of smart technologies, and interdisciplinary collaboration for effective city management and growth. The paper reviews recent literature and case studies, noting positive examples of how scientific communication and engagement contributed to economic development in regions. Despite the progress in recognizing the role of science, the study identifies several critical gaps, particularly the need for a more nuanced understanding of local cultural and social contexts, and a lack of empirical research on the integration of science into community decision-making. Moreover, the role of technology in facilitating public engagement with science and improving transparency in governance seems underexplored. The article concludes by providing recommendations for enhancing the impact of science on urban and community development, with a focus on increasing public engagement, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and leveraging technological solutions to drive sustainable growth.

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Залучення іноземних інвестицій для повоєнної відбудови: досвід країн Західних Балкан

The article is dedicated to summarizing and comparing the experience of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) for post-war reconstruction in the Western Balkans and its significance for Ukraine amid ongoing military aggression and the need for post-war rebuilding. It characterizes the experiences of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Kosovo, which suffered destruction during the Yugoslav wars in the Balkans and used FDI as a key tool for economic recovery. The paper examines legislative, tax, institutional, and infrastructural measures aimed at attracting foreign capital, including the establishment of free economic zones, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, tax reductions, and subsidies. The importance of legal protection, political stability, and anti-corruption measures for creating a favorable investment environment is argued. Additionally, the article highlights the critical role of international organizations such as the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which provided funding for infrastructure projects and institutional reform. Their involvement contributed to the reconstruction of key economic sectors and prepared the countries for European integration. The Balkan experience is valuable for Ukraine, as the current challenges and reconstruction needs after the war share similar features. Ukraine can leverage the tools and approaches of the Western Balkan countries to develop its strategy for attracting FDI, including European integration processes, legal system improvements, anti-corruption reforms, and the stimulation of domestic investment.

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Open Access
Пострадянська ментальна спадщина українського селянства

The subject of this research is the economic traditions of the Ukrainian peasantry. The article aims to provide a historical and economic assessment of the transformation of Ukrainian peasant mentality, substantiating the need to overcome the long-term effects of the Soviet economic model's impact on the current trajectory of agricultural development in Ukraine and the mentality of the Ukrainian peasant. The article outlines various determinants in the development of informal economic institutions in the agricultural sector during the Soviet period, including the repressive mechanisms of state agricultural policy, the unprofessional and irresponsible management of collective farms, changes in the social structure of villages, and the destruction of horizontal social connections. The author reveals long-term socio-economic consequences of agricultural collectivization, such as the eradication of traditional individual family farms, reduced agricultural production efficiency, changes in the social role and status of peasants due to their alienation from land and production means, the elimination of national culture of responsible land use, deterioration of the environmental situation, proletarianization of the population, and the breakdown of informal moral norms, heightened social tension, and societal division, along with the establishment of authoritarianism through mass repression. To mitigate the negative impacts of Soviet agricultural policy, Ukraine’s development strategy should include fostering small family farms, expanding various forms of solidarity-based economic self-organization among Ukrainians, and restoring leadership institutions within rural communities.

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Радянська політика аграрного виснаження України: голод 1946–1947 рр.

In the conditions of war, the issue of food security of the population is urgent and important. Ukrainian historical experience contains dramatic pages of post-war famine. It is necessary to analyze the reasons and actions that caused it in order to avoid such a social catastrophe. The object of the study is the economy of Ukraine after the end of the Second World War. The subject of the study is the reasons, political and economic determinants and consequences of the famine of 1946–1947. The purpose of the article is to identify the economic reasons of the famine based on a comprehensive analysis of the events that took place on the eve of and during 1946–1947. Methodological approaches are determined by the content of the article and are based on interdisciplinary techniques. The research methods of economic history, demography, social psychology and the corresponding categorical apparatus are used. First, the prerequisites for the emergence of famine are considered, namely the consequences of the Second World War for the Ukrainian economy and the weather and climate conditions of that period. In the second part of the article, the main events and reasons that led to the emergence of famine after the Second World War are given directly. The third part is dedicated to revealing the short- and long-term consequences of the famine of 1946–1947. In the results, it is determined that economic policy measures caused the transformation of the food crisis into a humanitarian disaster. Objective prerequisites and political and economic causes of famine are distinguished.

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Українська економічна думка у світовій економічній науці кінця XIX – початку XX ст.: генеза, теоретичні колізії та практична концептуалізація

The purpose of this article is to reveal the heritage of Ukrainian economic thought, which in the second half of the 19th – at the beginning of the 20th century created the foundation of its identity and received world recognition, but was subsequently forgotten for a long period under the pressure of Soviet ideology. The new circumstances of Russian aggression and hybrid attacks with the promotion of narratives about the inferiority of the Ukrainian people and their statehood have prompted this analysis. Our scientists, even in the bosom of the Russian Empire, managed to form an original and highly intellectual theory of economic science with a world recognition, which pioneered not only in scientific developments, but also in terms of the influence on economic policy of the Russian Empire, and practical implementation in European countries. The essence of the study is to display the content of scientific developments by the representatives of Ukrainian economic thought, to substantiate its national identity, and its difference from the Russian one, and to confirm the influence of Ukrainian economists on the development of economic science in the bosom of the Russian Empire. The authors clarify the characteristic features of the establishment of Ukrainian economic thought in the Russian Empire, the general and special study of phenomena and processes, and their connection with economic policy. Highlighted the role and significance of the activities of the representatives of Ukrainian economic thought in the implementation of economic policy, and establishing morality in scientific research. The practical significance of the contribution made to the world economic science by Ukrainian economists in the Russian Empire is largely determined by the relevance of their deep understanding of national identity. For modern economists, it is important to study their scientific heritage, which even today remains a foundation in the development of Ukrainian economic science.

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Роль іноземних капіталів у формуванні господарської системи України: аналіз наукової літератури другої половини XIX – початку XX ст.

The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific literature of the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, regarding the role of foreign capital in the formation of the economic system of Ukraine. In the context of modern challenges as to the financial support of the war economy, and in the future – of the post-war recovery, attention is focused on the presence of a wide scientific discourse on the search for financial sources of reconstruction, whose important aspect is the attraction of foreign capital. An important informative source for the development of this issue is the presence of domestic historical experience of the period of market-industrial transformations, when Ukraine’s economic system developed as part of the overall imperial complex, and foreign investments became an important factor in its formation and development. In particular, it was found that due to direct and portfolio foreign investments, extensive modernization of this country's industry, and development of the financial sector and communication routes took place, which gives grounds to characterize foreign investment as one of the main stimulating factors for the development of an economic system. Along with this, it is emphasized that foreign investment can be considered a factor in the innovative development of Ukraine’s economy in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, due to the promotion of the creation of new branches of production, the introduction of new technologies and methods of production organization into domestic practice, etc. An important practical conclusion of the conducted research is that the existing historical experience is an important source of substantiation of modern state policy measures in terms of ensuring a favorable institutional environment for attracting foreign capital for the implementation of socially significant projects of modernization and restoration.

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Open Access
Еволюція концепцій концентрації капіталу

The article studies the evolution of capital concentration concepts, starting from the classical approaches inherent in traditional economics to modern digital economic systems. The author analyzes the main changes in approaches to capital concentration that have occurred under the influence of technological innovations, globalization, and the development of information technology. An interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of capital concentration concepts is applied, which allows taking into account the impact of economic, social and technological transformations. It is substantiated that capital concentration is a fundamental process that determines the structure and functioning of economic systems at different stages of their development. The article identifies the main approaches to assessing capital concentration in the context of socio-economic transformations. It is determined that the change in capital concentration paradigms requires new approaches to regulation and public policy that take into account the specifics of the digital economy. The impact of digital platforms on capital concentration is analyzed. The author identifies the current challenges and opportunities arising in the context of digitalization of the economy and outlines the future development of capital concentration concepts. Particular attention is paid to the development of a conceptual matrix that reflects the relationships between the main institutional factors that affect capital concentration. Proven the necessity of revising traditional economic paradigms in the context of digital transformation and forming a competitive policy in the field of capital concentration in order to ensure sustainable economic development and social justice. The article systematizes theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of capital concentration, which can serve as a theoretical and methodological basis for further research.

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