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AbstractPromotional Design Strategy Of 112 Indonesia Emergency Call Service. Case Study: Design Scenario For The Introduction And Promotion Of Indonesia's 112 Emergency Calling Service To Generation Z. The 112 Emergency Call Service Program, which is an integrated service, has been running since 2016 in Indonesia. From 40 random respondents, it was found that only 52.5% of the people knew about the Emergency Call Service (Call Center) 112. In fact, according to the results of interviews with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Kominfo hopes that the level of public understanding is at least 80%. The reason is that every region in Indonesia has not been fully integrated. The problems that occur are: (a) there is no proper design to become a means of introducing and promoting the 112 Emergency Call Service To Generation Z, and (b) there is still a lack of a design promotion strategy for the 112 Emergency Call Service To Generation Z. The objectives of the research are: (1) drafting a document on the awareness dissemination strategy or the introduction of the Emergency Call Service 112 To Generation Z, (2) producing a design that is in accordance with the awareness dissemination strategy or the introduction of the Emergency Call Service 112 To Generation Z. The research method used is qualitative with focused interviews. The design method for the campaign is the Design Thinking method with 5 stages namely; (i) Emphasize, (ii) Define, (3i) Ideate, (iv) Prototype, and (v) Test. From the results of this study, 3 content pillars can be created, namely: (1) Educative Content, (2) Reels Instagram Video, and (3) Awareness Content. Each pillar content has its own purpose to the audience. This research process is still the first strategy that will be suggested to the Indonesian 112 Emergency Call Service, so it is necessary to carry out A/B testing to see which strategy is effective for implementing the introduction promotion strategy. When the research strategy was tested, the respondents’ results were tested whether they were inline with expectations or not. If most of them answered no, this research process would be repeated to get the appropriate results.Keywords: emergency call service 112, emergency call 112, call center 112, design thinking

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The existence of traditional musical instruments, especially Betawi, is increasingly disappearing, eroded by modern life and a global lifestyle that is more adopting Western musical instruments with all its conveniences. One effort that can be done is to develop an application using augmented reality technology. This research will focus on developing augmented reality applications using a mix approach approach, which is a merger of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Whereas in the applicationdevelopment process, the method of designing Interactive Multimedia System Design Development (IMSDD) was developed. This application is evaluated using the System Usability Scale. It can be concluded that the application is categorized as “Good” with a grade scale “C” and acceptability rangesAbstrakKeberadaan alat musik tradisional khususnya Betawi semakin lama semakin menghilang tergerus kehidupan modern dan gaya hidup global yang lebih banyak mengadopsi alat musik Barat dengan segala kemudahannya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi menggunakan teknologi augmented reality. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada pengembangan aplikasi augmented reality menggunakan pendekatan mix approach yaitu penggabungan antara pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sedangkan dalam proses pengembangan aplikasi menggungkan metode perancangan Interactive Multimedia System Design Development (IMSDD). Aplikasi ini dievaluasi menggunakan System Usability Scale. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi tergolong kategori “Good” dengan grade scale “C” dan acceptability ranges termasuk “High”

Open Access

Institution identity is a brief statement of the institution to the public, reflecting institutional values that can be seen from symbols, behavior and communication. The results of initial observations and interviews, SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin does not understand their values and identities. The porpose of this research is to understand the cultural values of the institutions that shape the identity of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin. This research uses content analysis and a cultural approach to understanding the values that shape the identity of SMA 3 Banjarmasin and will be carried out at SMA 3 Banjarmasin, data collection will be done by observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study are visually the cultural values of institutions that shape the identity of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin based on the vision of the school, the values are faith and piety, noble character, intelligent, skill, loving the environment. These 5 values are the core of the school culture that can be visually seen in various activities and programs that affect all internal aspects such as behavior, ways of communication, work environment, daily activities of all member of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin, it forms a habit and culture so that it becomes part of the identity of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin.

Open Access

Environmental problems are not new to us. In the past, environmental problems arose due to naturalevents that occurred outside human control, for example the eruption of Mount Tambura on Sumbawa(1815) and the Krakatau Mountain in the Sunda Strait (1883). Green design is often interpreted asan environmentally sound design, or design that friendly to the environment. In other words, greendesign is a design that integrates the entire process in one unit by considering the consequences for theenvironment. One of the local young Indonesian designers, alumni from Mercu Buana University, madean innovative work that was creative and extraordinary, he made a product that greatly influenced theenvironment. The products he made were hanging pot planting media, planting media made of plasticwaste, the main ingredient was plastic plastic in which plastic can be found everywhere Rizal TropicalWall products have implemented the principles of sustainability of a product in the field of design withpay attention to environmental factors, or better known as the concept of eco-design or green design.Achieving an ecologically conscious society must begin with ‘habits’ in every action. The ‘habit’ mustbe started from and fostered so that it can develop. Starting and nurturing must be together. Remindeach other, admonish each other, and teach one another, togetherness is needed to succeed. All of theseapplications are based on when there is a feeling of caring for nature, aware of the effects that are verydangerous for us because we just ignore the environment.

Open Access

The Relation of Sheet Mask Product Packaging Design to Millenial Women Consumers. Indonesia’s rapidly increasing economic growth and per-capita income makes cosmetics one of the most important needs for Indonesian, especially women. The increasing population of the millennial generation is the key factor to the growth of the Indonesian cosmetics market. Nowadays, cosmetic products have become a primary need for millennial women. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between sheetmask product packaging and the behavior of millennial women. The method used is phenomenology with five participants who already have experience in using local brand sheet masks and routinely using sheet masks with a minimum intensity of once a week. In-depth interviews in this study were used as the main method of data collection. The results showed that millennial women chose sheet mask products based on the benefits of the sheet mask products. Furthermore, millennial women choose basedon the brand after the benefits of the product. When choosing a sheet mask product, packaging design is not the main factor that influences women of millennial women. However, the packaging design isa supporting factor in choosing a sheet mask product to attract the attention of buyers and ensure the product quality.AbstrakRelasi Desain Kemasan Produk Sheet Mask Terhadap Konsumen Wanita Generasi Milenial. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pendapatan per-kapita Indonesia yang meningkat pesat menjadikan kosmetik sebagai salah satu kebutuhan yang penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya kaum wanita. Bertambahnya jumlah populasi penduduk generasi milenial menjadi faktor besarnya pasar kosmetik Indonesia. Saat ini, produk kosmetik telah menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi wanita generasi milenial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan relasi antara desain kemasan produk kosmetik sheet mask terhadap perilaku wanita generasi milenial. Metode yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi dengan partisipan sebanyak lima orang yang sudah memiliki pengalaman dalam memakai sheet mask merk lokal dan rutin memakai sheet mask dengan intensitas minimal sekali dalam seminggu. Wawancara mendalam dalam penelitian ini digunakan sebagai metode utama dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa wanita generasi milenial memilih produk sheet mask berdasarkan manfaat dari kandungan yang diberikan oleh produk sheet mask. Selanjutnya didukung oleh brand setelah manfaat yang diberikan produk tersebut. Dalam memilih suatu produk sheet mask, desain kemasan bukanlah faktor utama mempengaruhi generasi milenial. Namun desain kemasan adalah faktor pendukung dalam memilih produk sheet mask untuk menarik perhatian dari calon pembeli dan meyakinkan bahwa produk tersebut berkualitas.

Open Access

The Study Of Information Media Panel Display At Museum Bank Ndonesia. Excellence in terms ofeducation for visitors is manifested by the Bank Indonesia Museum in the form of exhibitions thatrepresent real places or places where historical events have occurred. Of course visitors and visitors justwalk around and have a look, in terms of education. Various forms of exhibition display are designed anddepicted diachronic (timeline), through visual displays and display panels containing narratives thatguide visitors around to find information conveyed by the Bank Indonesia Museum. The uniquenessof the visual information pattern from the panel display in the Bank Indonesia Museum exhibition isinteresting to be appointed as the object of research, because the information in the form of narrativestories from Bank Indonesia is conveyed and described in detail in the panels used.Consideration in achieving this, an approach is made through graphic design studies with regardto information design and editorial design. The initial step of observation is in the field, by lookingat and sorting out the tendency of the panel displays used in conveying information in the form ofnarratives and literature studies carried out as a theoretical basis relating to museums and exhibitions,media, information, graphic information media, etc. The next stage is an analysis of visual informationpatterns from the display panel of the Bank Indonesia Museum which is carried out based on a graphicdesign approach with regard to information design and editorial design. The approach used is set onthe arrangement of grid patterns, hierarchies of information, utilization of graphic processing, andutilization of narrative forms of information.From the graphic design approach revolving around information and editorial design with regard toexhibitions, it was found that the display pattern of the exhibition’s visual information panel that enteredthe Museum Bank Indonesia exhibition had a clear and structured hierarchy of information delivery,continuous graphic display with the narrative found, and Arrangement and utilization of media size orlayout between narrative content and graphic processing content.

Open Access