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Wheat grain is one of the eight traditional crops that needs to be reviewed in terms of its processing, product range, and quality properties of the end products. Considering the Rules of management and organization at grain factories, it can be noted that the recommended raw material for the production of grain products is durum wheat, the processing of which allows obtaining the main assortment of wheat:groats "Poltavski" and "Artek". Today, durum wheat in our country are grown in a small amount compared to soft wheat, which is widely used in flour milling, therefore enterprises of the cereal industry in such conditions must either import significant volumes of durum wheat or use soft wheat as an alternative option, but taking into account the peculiarities of the produced groats and the technological process, which is built for a stronger grain, the processing of soft wheat in such conditions and the production of crushed groats "Poltavski" and "Artek" from it cannot be considered effective. A key factor in the efficiency of soft wheat processing in groats production is also the difference in the chemical composition of two types of wheat, in which soft wheat has, for example, a lower mass fraction of protein compared to durum wheat, which does not allow production from soft wheat modern products of healthy and complete nutrition, the demand for which is only growing every year in the World and Ukraine. Emmer is one of the oldest cereal crops that mankind used for food and fodder needs. Cultivation of emmer began approximately 10,000-8,000 BC on the territories of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, Ethiopia, as well as other countries of Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. On the territory of Ukraine, emmer was grown 5-6 thousand years BC. When processing emmer into groats, the total yield of end whole groats can be obtained at the level of traditional cereals from hulled cultures - up to 70%, and flakes in relation to unprocessed grain 60-65%. That is, it will not be possible to significantly increase the yield of finished products during the processing of emmer, and this is primarily explained by the filminess of this culture, but if compare the quality of the obtained products, the advantage is clearly for products from emmer, which is already a proven fact, for example in the countries of the European Union where the demand for products made from "original" hulled wheat, including emmer, is increasing every year. Our country has all the necessary conditions for the development of this culture and increasing the volume of its cultivation and processing into food products, which in turn can increase the export potential of our country not only in the form of raw materials, but also products from it.

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In the feeding of highly productive agricultural animals and poultry, an important role belongs to the quality and safety of compound feed products, for the production of which premixes or preparations of biologically active substances are used. Increasingly, probiotic supplements based on live microorganisms are used in the feeding of farm animals and poultry, which, among other things, provide stable immunity to infectious diseases without using antibiotics in the diet. As a result, the general condition improves and the productivity of animals and the quality of livestock products increase. Today, one of the urgent issues is the stabilization of probiotic microorganisms. Thus, the microencapsulation technology allows you to cover the particles of the probiotic supplement with an individual shell to obtain a product with a directed effect and an adjustable time of release of the constituent substance. The article deals with protein metabolism during feeding of highly productive breeds of cattle. Methods of cell stabilization and advantages of stabilized forms of probiotics are presented. Technologies and types of shell materials widely used for microencapsulation of probiotics are analyzed. The use of a specific microencapsulation technology or material depends on the properties of the specific probiotic strain. Organic and inorganic substances, synthetic materials and natural biodegradable polymers are used to stabilize the cells of microorganisms. The most popular biopolymers used for microencapsulation are considered in detail - alginates, carrageenans, chitosan, starch, gum arabic, pectin, gelatin, whey protein. The structural composition, production methods, functional characteristics, volumes of global production of the considered biopolymers are given. The use of microencapsulation of probiotic microorganisms with natural biopolymers for the purpose of stabilizing probiotics in animal feed is an innovative approach.

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Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been an increase in the share of small enterprises in the grain industry, the number of which is increasing even today. At most of such enterprises, it is impossible to apply the existing longterm full grain processing technologies, there is a reduction in the number of basic technological operations, often not sufficiently substantiated, which affects the quality of the end products, which do not always meet all the basic norms of the regulations applicable to end products. Considering the modern technological solutions offered by leading manufacturers for the production of flaked products and quick-cooking products, it is possible to note the equipment of the Buhler company, which allows to monitor production control and, accordingly, achieve greater production efficiency. To date, the Buhler company offers the batch steamer MBDA for the steaming stage, which is recommended to be combined with the BCFB flaking machine. This technological equipment in combination gives high quality and reliability of the equipment itself, allows to implement energy-saving technologies at enterprises and obtain controlled production of quality products. Today, in addition to traditional grain, such crops as lentils, chickpeas, beans, wheat-spelt, spelt, naked varieties of oats and barley are processed in part or in small batches at the enterprises of the industry. Lentil is a promising leguminous crop for the grain industry. In the world, it is widely grown as a food and fodder crop. Among leguminous crops, lentils occupy an intermediate place in terms of protein content, with a protein content of 25-36%, while the share of carbohydrates is 45-55%, fat - 3-4%. The first variety of «Linza» edible lentils was registered in 2005. After that, the following varieties were registered only in 2017-2018: «Antonina» (2017), «Darinka» (2017), «YeSMaksymum» (2017), «Blondie» (2018), «Harry» (2018), «SNIM 18» (2018), Chrysolite (2018), which indicates an understanding of the potential of this culture both for the domestic market and for increasing the export potential of our country. The last to enter the register were «Serpanok» (2020) and «RED» (2021) varieties, which indicates the continued work of breeders to expand the varietal base of this crop in Ukraine.

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Based on marketing research, it has been proven that aquaculture is one of the fastest growing branches of food production in the world. The main method of increasing fish productivity in ponds is fish feeding, which is an objective reality with high intensification of fish farming. With the intensification of production processes, the role of feeding is constantly increasing, and the cost of feeding in the cost price of fish is about 40% and has an upward trend. In this connection, the problem of rational feed use becomes extremely important. It is justified that the use of high-quality feed and feed additives in the diet of fattening animals significantly increases the productivity and profitability of the operation of livestock, poultry, and fish farms. 160 factories are engaged in the compound feeds production in Ukraine, the production capacity of which is 7.5 million tons per year. The specified indicator should be realistically increased to 15 million tons of finished products per year. It is established that we will need to produce 60 percent more food by 2050 to feed the world's 9.3 billion people according to estimates compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Therefore, animal protein production is expected to increase with this increase. According to IFIF estimates, the world production of compound feeds has reached more than 1 billion tons per year. Top 10 countries in world compound feed production in 2021–2022 are presented (according to Alltech Agri-Food Outlook 2023). The structure of compound feeds production by types of agricultural animals and poultry in the world in 2022 is summarized. It is proved that the production of fish compound feeds continues to grow in all the world regions. In the world (as well as in Ukraine), fishing and aquaculture play and will play a significant role in the coming centuries in ensuring the food security of the global population. It is necessary to make changes in policy, management, stimulate innovation and investment to the industry to ensure the food security of the planet through fisheries and aquaculture. It is established that the world volume of aquatic bioresources production is constantly growing and in 2022 reached the value of 176 million t/year. More than 150 million tons of aquatic biological resources were used for human consumption. In the conditions of the formation of market relations, against the background of significant costs for feed, feeding fish should be based on careful calculations, the logical conclusion of which should be economic expediency. On the basis of the marketing research of the situation on the market of feed supplements, a shortage of protein vitamin supplements and complete feeds for domestically produced fish was revealed. The restraining factors for the use of foreign supplements are their cost and interruptions in supply.

Open Access

Thermal analysis methods, primarily thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), play an important role in the study of phase transitions and degradation of active food components and auxiliary substances during heating or cooling. The most important areas of application of TGA in the food industry include the analysis of patterns of changes in the mass of the studied system during its heating or cooling due to the presence of phase transitions of the first kind and chemical reactions. In this work, a study of the change in mass of biscuit products during heating was carried out. The effect of replacing wheat flour with cricket flour in the amount of 5.0% on the structure of the resulting biscuit product compared to the control was determined. This study showed a change in the distribution of forms of connection of system water with dry substances of the system and, as a result, an expansion of the range of temperatures at which water evaporation from this sample took place. However, with a further increase in the amount of cricket flour in the recipe, which has an increased protein content, an increase in the part of the system water associated with the proteins of this raw material was observed. As a result, the range of temperatures at which water evaporation occurred from biscuit products with cricket flour in the amount of 10.0% and 15.0% decreased. It was noted in the work that the most acceptable functional and technological property of biscuit products is a wider range of forms of connection of system water with dry substances of such food products, since the presence of different forms of connection of water significantly determines the organoleptic indicators of finished products, terms and conditions its storage. The results obtained by the method of thermogravimetric analysis showed that, from the point of view of expanding the spectrum of forms of connection of system water with dry substances of the studied samples, the sample with the replacement of wheat flour with flour from crickets in the3 amount of 5.0% should be considered more acceptable.

Open Access

Oat gum (β-glucan, glycan) belongs to the group of soluble dietary fibers. Due to their important functional properties, cereal β-glucans are used to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, alleviate the symptoms of diabetes, lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Sources of β-glucans are yeast, mushrooms, bacteria, barley, oats. The use of secondary resources of barley and oat processing as a source of β-glucans has both economic and environmental significance. Cereal β-glucans consist of β-D-glucose monomers connected by (1,3)- and (1,4)-glycosidic bonds. β-Glucan dissolves well in cold water and is insoluble in ethyl alcohol. It is able to form very viscous solutions at low concentrations. The viscosity of solutions depends on the concentration and molecular weight of β-glucan. The rheological properties of aqueous gum solutions do not depend on the pH of the medium. The presence of NaCl in concentrations of more than 0.5% leads to a decrease in the viscosity of solutions, and the addition of sucrose in the amount of 20-45% increases the viscosity. The technological features of obtaining β-glucans are related to the method of their extraction from natural sources. Extraction of oat gum from oat bran or rolled oats involves alkaline treatment of flour at 50-70 °C and pH 8.0-10.5, removal of starch and proteins, precipitation of oat gum with alcohol and separation by centrifugation. Solubility, degree of extraction, and yield of β-glucan from oats depend on particle size, pretreatment of grain raw materials, and extraction conditions (temperature, pH, extractants). β-Glucan is isolated from the extract by dialysis, ultrafiltration or alcohol precipitation. When using dialysis, highly viscous β-glucan is obtained, but with a lower yield; ultrafiltration and alcohol precipitation allow a higher yield of β-glucan with lower viscosity. Oat gum can be introduced into a wide range of food products to provide new functional properties and improve nutritional quality, includ ng wheat bread, bakery products, cookies, pasta, soft drinks, as a fat substitute in dairy and meat products. It performs the technological functions of a thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer or coating in food systems.

Open Access

The article discusses the problems associated with processing buckwheat on roller deck machines and reducing the amount of crushed kernel. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of processed fractions of buckwheat grain, which significantly improves the quality of the output product. At the same time, this requires more precise adjustment to the working gaps and obtaining the correct shape of the working area (crescent-shaped when processing buckwheat) between the abrasive roller and the deck. The designs of roller deck machines used in the cereal industry and their installation mechanisms are analyzed. The mechanisms used for installing the deck on rolling deck machines do not allow one to accurately set the shape of the working gap and its dimensions. A more advanced mechanism for removing the deck from the abrasive roller and a mechanism for installing the deck on a wedge shape between the deck and the abrasive roller (usually used when processing millet or sorghum) have been proposed. The calculations of working gaps confirm the correct choice of geometric parameters of the abrasive roller, deck and installation mechanisms. The dependences of the minimum working gap on the magnitude of the parallel movement of the deck are determined. The dependences of the difference in working gaps between the deck and the abrasive roller when changing the structural height of the deck were also found. It is shown that asthe deck height is reduced by half, the difference between the maximum working gap and the minimum decreases by four times. This significantly affects the shape of the processing zone and the working dimensions in the active zones of buckwheat peeling. Reducing the deck height under production conditions leads to an increase in the amount of broken grain, due to an increase in the number of grains passes through the hulling machines. Based on the obtained calculation data, the roller deck machine was modernized, and in fact, a new mdel was developed in which the process flow is stabilized, the conditions for feeding grain into the working area are improved, and the working gaps are adjusted optimally in two active zones of buckwheat grain processing. The design of the roller deck machine allows you to select the husks from the kernel and send them to waste bins.


Grain thermometry is a process of measuring the temperature of grain masses during their storage. Key aspects that emphasize the importance of temperature control to ensure quality preservation: Prevention of self-ignition: prevention of fungal and bacterial growth, maintenance of moisture stability, reduction of nutrient loss, preservation of color and flavor, minimization of insect and pest growth. Overall, temperature control in grain storage is an important strategy for maintaining product quality, reducing losses, and ensuring storage safety. Modern monitoring and automation technologies allow for effective temperature control in storage facilities. The temperature of the grain in the storage can depend on a number of weather conditions and factors. Key factors that can affect grain temperature: air temperature, air humidity, solar heat, technical equipment of storage, natural conditions of grain, day and night temperature fluctuations. The temperature of the air around the storage has a significant effect on the temperature of the grain. In winter, cold weather can lead to a decrease in the temperature of grain masses, while in summer, high temperature can contribute to its increase. Air humidity is also important. High humidity can lead to condensation of moisture in storage, which in turn can increase the temperature of the grain through chemical processes such as decomposition. Solar heat can directly or indirectly affect the grain temperature, especially if the storage is located under direct sunlight. Storage efficiency and technical equipment, such as ventilation and air conditioning systems, can affect the distribution and retention of heat in the storage. The grain itself can affect its temperature through chemical and biological processes such as respiration and heat generation. Day and night temperature fluctuations can contribute to the distribution of heat in the storage. We conducted a study of grain temperature changes during storage at an enterprise in the Odesa region and established the influence of various factors on grain temperature changes.


The article discusses the types of pig feeding in Ukraine. The quality result of piglet fattening is 60...70% influenced by the feed itself, about 20% by animal genetics, 10% by veterinary care, and about 10% by housing conditions. The number of pigs was analyzed. In Ukraine, according to the State Statistics Service, as of January 1, 2023, the pig population was 4.95 million heads. The world pig population in 2021 was approximately 1.02 billion heads, the largest pig population in China - more than 400 million heads. The total pig population in the EU in 2022 was 237 million heads. The production of compound feed for pigs in Ukraine is analyzed. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the production of compound feed for pigs in 2021 amounted to 1.2 million tons. China, the USA, Brazil, Spain and Mexico are among the countries that produce compound fodder for pigs in the world. The consumption of feed and water by pigs depending on the daily gain was considered, as well as the scheme of feeding piglets with full-rational compound feed per day. It is necessary to observe the daily rate of consumption of nutrients and biologically active substances depending on the age of young pigs. The modern organization of pig fattening, which involves one-, two- or three-phase feeding systems, is considered. The need for the production of compound feeds for pigs that meet feeding standards and restrictions on the introduction of components is substantiated. Types of compound feed and their advantages are presented. Such technological methods of production of compound fodder for pigs as granulation, extrusion, expansion were analyzed. Due to the high temperature and pressure, the nutritional value of compound feed improves. When feeding mixed fodder by the wet-heat treatment method, minimal mechanical losses occur, feed costs are reduced by 7...8%, and the growth energy of young animals increases by 6...12%. When fed with balanced feed, the productivity of animals increases by 12...15%, and when enriched with microelements and other substances, by 25...30% in relation to feeding with certain types of grain.

Open Access

The paper presents the factors that contribute to the development of the plant-based milk production industry in Ukraine, shows the prospects for the development of this segment of the market during the next decade in the country, outlines the segment of Ukrainians who are potential consumers of the target product - "plant-based milk". Based on the analysis of literary data, the relevance and expediency of processing amaranth flour as a raw material with high nutritional and biological value, which is produced today in Ukraine by enterprises of the oil and fat industry, into plant-based beverages, is substantiated. The technology of processing amaranth flour into a plant-based drink "Chocolate" using natural raw ingredients based on amaranth flour, developed during research at LLC "Khmilnytskyi dry skimmed milk plant "Molochny Visit", is presented. The process of production of the target product is detailed in the form of a vector scheme; all are described stages of the technological process of the production of ultra-pasteurized herbal drink "Chocolate" with a detailed justification of technological parameters. The industrial approbation of the developed technology of the herbal drink "Chocolate" using natural raw ingredients based on amaranth flour was carried out at LLC "Khmilnytskyi dry skimmed milk plant "Molochny Visit". The indicators of the quality of the produced drink were determined - organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological. The evaluation of the organoleptic indicators of the herbal drink "Chocolate" produced in production conditions according to the developed recipe and innovative technology proved that they correspond to those of the herbal drinks presented today on the consumer market of Ukraine: the taste of the drink is rich, sweet, with a taste of cocoa and a light nutty aftertaste; the consistency of the drink is homogeneous, with a slight sediment at the bottom of the container; the color is pronounced brown, uniform throughout the entire mass of the drink. The microbiological indicators of the herbal drink "Chocolate" meet the requirements of industrial sterility, which guarantees its safety for the consumer. It is recommended to take the physico-chemical indicators of the produced drink "Chocolate" as a basis when developing regulatory documentation for the product.

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