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Preparation, Characterization, and Radiolabeling of Anti-HER2 scFv With Technetium Tricarbonyl and Stability Studies.

Breast cancer is the most common diagnosed cancer, and the second cause of cancer death among women, worldwide. HER2 overexpression occurred in approximately 15% to 20% of breast cancers. Invasive biopsy method has been used for detection of HER2 overexpression. HER2-targeted imaging via an appropriate radionuclide is a promising method for sensitive and accurate identification of HER2+ primary and metastatic lesions. 99mTc-anti-HER2 scFv can specifically target malignancies and be used for diagnosis of the cancer type and metastasis as well as treatment of breast cancer. We radiolabeled anti-HER2 scFv that was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified through Ni-NTA resin under native condition with 99mTc-tricarbonyl formed from boranocarbonate. HER2-based ELISA, BCA, TLC, and HPLC were used in this study. In the current study, anti-HER2 scFv was lyophilized before radiolabeling. It was found that freeze-drying did not change the binding activity of anti-HER2 scFv to HER2. Results demonstrated direct anti-HER2 scFv radiolabeling by 99mTc-tricarbonyl to hexahistidine sequence (His-tag) without any changes in biological activity and radiochemical purity of around 98%. Stability analysis revealed that 99mTc-anti-HER2 scFv is stable for at least 24 h in PBS buffer, normal saline, human plasma proteins, and histidine solution.

An improved synthesis of [18 F]VAT and its precursor.

The vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in the brain is an important presynaptic cholinergic biomarker, and neuroimaging studies of VAChT may provide in vivo information about psychiatric and neurologic conditions including Alzheimer's disease that are not accessible by other methods. The 18 F-labeled radiotracer, ((-)-(1-(-8-(2-[18 F]fluoroethoxy)-3-hydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-yl)piperidin-4-yl)(4-fluorophenyl)-methanone ([18 F]VAT, 1), was reported as a selective and high affinity ligand for the in vivo imaging of VAChT. The synthesis of [18 F]VAT has been reported in a two-step procedure with total 140 min, which includes preparation of 2-[18 F]fluoroethyltosylate and alkylation of benzovesamicol (-)-5 precursor with this radiosynthon using two different automated production modules consecutively. A multiple step synthetic route was employed for the synthesis of stereospecific precursor benzovesamicol (-)-5, which is difficult to be adapted for scale-up. To make the production of this tracer more amenable for clinical imaging, we present an improved total synthesis protocol to attain [18 F]VAT: (1) a tosylethoxy group being pre-installed tosylate precursor (-)-8 is synthesized to render a simple one-step radiofluorination under mild conditions; (2) The key optically active intermediate benzovesamicol (-)-5 was obtained via the regio- and enantio-enriched ring-opening amination of meso-epoxide 3 with 4-phenylpiperidine derivative 2 under catalysis of a chiral salenCo(III) catalyst 4b, which dramatically simplifies the synthetic route of the tosylate precursor (-)-8. [18 F]VAT 1 was prepared within ~65 min with desired chemical and radiochemical purities, via a fully automated procedure, using a commercial PET tracer production module. The final drug product was obtained as a sterile, pyrogen-free solution that conforms United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <823> requirements.
