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Moroccan TV Advertising in 2023: Towards a Gender- Transformative Agenda

This study examines the contemporary landscape of Moroccan TV advertising in 2023, specifically focusing on its evolutionary trajectory towards the adoption of a gender-transformative agenda. Against the backdrop of heightened societal consciousness regarding gender equality and the imperative of inclusive representation across various domains, including the realm of advertising, this article delves into the concerted efforts undertaken by the Moroccan advertising industry to challenge entrenched gender norms and cultivate a more transformative paradigm. Traditionally, advertising has been culpable of reinforcing and perpetuating gender stereotypes, constraining men and women within narrowly defined roles. However, catalyzed by social movements advocating for equality and inclusivity, advertisers find themselves compelled to reevaluate their approaches, embracing a more encompassing and diverse framework. Given this, this paper employs qualitative content analysis to scrutinize a curated corpus of five Moroccan advertisements, investigating how they challenge prevailing gender portrayals and deviate from perpetuating stereotypical representations. The analysis of the findings reveals the extent to which the selected advertisements actively engage in the transformative representation of gender by challenging rather than nurturing gender stereotypes. It unveils the way the selected advertisements demonstrate a deliberate departure from the stereotypical depiction of women in domestic roles or as passive objects, to portraying them in diverse and empowered positions. Similarly, men are depicted beyond conventional masculine stereotypes, showcasing a broader spectrum of roles and expectations. Accordingly, this study not only provides insights into the current state of Moroccan advertising with regard to gender transformative practices but also contributes to the broader discourse surrounding the role of advertising in promoting gender equality and in

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Open Access
Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Marketing Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Firms in Port Harcourt

This study investigated the relationship between green supply chain management practices and marketing effectiveness pharmaceutical firms in Port Harcourt. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the extent to which supply chain management practices relate marketing effectiveness pharmaceutical firms in Port Harcourt. The population of the study was Two hundred and seventeen (217) registered pharmacies in Port Harcourt, listed in the yellow page of Nigerian Stock Exchange Facts Book of (2014). The primary data were collected with a structured questionnaire that was designed in a 5 point Likert scale of very low extent to very high extent. Results of the test showed that supply chain management practices have significant and positive relationships with marketing effectiveness (brand awareness and corporate image) – the measures of marketing effectiveness. the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was the test statistics. The study therefore, concluded that supply chain management practices relate with marketing effectiveness pharmaceutical firms in Port Harcourt. Therefore, the study recommended management of pharmaceutical in Port Harcourt should implement adequate green supply chain practices such as green procurement and green manufacturing to enhance their marketing effectiveness. All statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 2.0.

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Open Access
E-Ticketing and Service Delivery of Road Transport Companies in Rivers State

The study investigated the e-ticketing and service delivery of road transport companies in Rivers state. The study population comprises of passengers of the 12 road transport companies that have adopted e-ticketing in Rivers state. 20 passengers of the 12 road transport companies in Rivers state were purposively sampled which makes the sample size a total of two hundred and forty (240). Since the sample size was accessible, there was no need for sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire from the above sampled passengers of the road transport companies in Rivers State. Four research question and ten hypotheses were proposed and tested respectively at 0.05 level of confidence to achieve the study objectives. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean), while Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient and Partial Correlation was used for the testing of the hypotheses. The findings established that there is a significant relationship between e-reservation, data security, user friendliness and service delivery of road transport companies in Rivers state. The study concludes that e-reservation, data security and user friendliness of e-ticketing platform can boost service delivery by offering timeliness of service, convenience and reliability. It was therefore recommended that Road transport should invest in technological infrastructure, provide multiple payment options and implement a feedback system.

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Open Access
Brand Trust and Brand Evangelism of Healthcare Firms in South- South Nigeria: The Moderating Role of Brand Love

When we consider that humans, plants and animals receive their wellness and wellbeing from medical products and services in modern society, we see that it is vitally important that firms in the healthcare ecosystem recognize and nurture customers’ trust and love for their brands. This study carefully investigated the impact of brand trust on brand evangelism of healthcare firms in south-south Nigeria and the moderating role of brand love. In spite of the growing insight into customers’ brand relationship and its impact on brand evangelism in developed economies, brand trust and evangelism for healthcare brands in south-south Nigeria, remains tenuous, revealing a significant gap in literature. Addressing this gap, we adopt the Commitment-trust Theory perspective to uncover how customers’ trust in healthcare brands can impact on brand evangelism. A quantitative and exploratory research design was the methodological approach employed to investigate customers of healthcare firms in south-south Nigeria. Due to the infinite nature of the population, the cluster probability sampling technique was used and the population divided into twenty (20) clusters of adults within the ages of 25-55years in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, and Rivers State. Hence, one hundred (100) copies of questionnaire in a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree were designed and administered to obtain primary data. With the aid of the International Business Machine (IBM), Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 23, multiple linear regression was used to determine the degree of impact brand trust has on brand evangelism while Andrew F. Hayes’ PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Version 4.2 was used to determine the extent of moderation of brand love on the impact of brand trust (brand credibility and brand integrity) on brand evangelism of healthcare firms in south-south Nigeria. In view of the test result

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Open Access
Exploring The Factors That Influence Life Insurance Sales Personnel Performance in Nigeria

To financial analysts, life insurance confers the benefits of investment as well as serve as an instrument of risk management on policyholders. This paper sought to ascertain the roles of organizational factors on life insurance sales personnel performance in Nigeria’s marketplace. This study specifically examines the influence of selection and recruitment, compensation, training, and sales territory on life insurance sales personnel performance. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The population of study are the entire life insurance sales personnel in the twenty (20) quoted firms in Nigeria. However, the accessible population are the sales personnel in the three (3) top most listed firms with headquarter in Lagos state. Two hundred and fifty (250) copies of a structured questionnaire was administered to sales managers, unit managers and sales executives of AIICO, Leadway Assurance and FBN life. The study found that all the independent variables exhibit significant relationship with sales personnel performance. Specifically, employee compensation exert the strongest influence on sales person’s performance. Closely following is sales territory while selection and recruitment exert the least influence on sales force performance. This study conclude that the independent variables exhibit positive and significant influence on life insurance sales personnel performance. The paper recommend among others that operational managers desirous of outstanding marketplace performance should hire only high caliber employees, thoroughly train, adequately and competitively compensate and equip the sales force with sufficient information that would enable them thrive in their assigned sales territories.

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Open Access
The Role of Entreprenurship towards Economic Sustainability

Entrepreneurship is the means through which goods and services are provided to the consumers. Goods and services have been provided in the old-fashioned way without technological update as to improve patronage as well as the economy. There had been no spontaneous response to changes in environment, and subsequent non adoption of new methods of production which is militating against the economy. At this juncture, this paper discusses the roles entrepreneurship plays towards the economic sustainability through provision of improved quality products or goods/services for improved wellbeing and economy, promotion of innovation for increased patronage of goods and services and increased economy, new levels lifestyle and new goods and products promotion for higher economy. This paper concludes that entrepreneurship plays very important role in economic sustainability since it adds value to goods or products/services, responds to changes in environment by producing goods in the newest and better ways that brings about goal- oriented activities that in turn brings about target, results and achievements that are geared towards economic sustainability. Amongst the recommendations is that sentiment and favouritism should be avoided in the disbursement of the loan and should be based on merit to ensure that those with the managerial ability should be highly encouraged to enable break even and not failure based on managerial inability and acumen to perform.

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Open Access
An Appraisal of Public Relations Strategies of Select Multinational Companies in Rivers State

This study was informed by the need to appraise the public relations strategies of select multinational companies in Rivers State. The study is made up of managers of both Pabod Breweries and Daewoo on one stream while the residents of the host communities made the second stream. More so, a sample size of 398 was drawn using Taro Yamane formula, and purposive sampling respectively. The survey was adopted for the study. The multistage sampling technique was to draw respondents from the headquarters of two companies and the various host communities. Moreover, face and content validity were done by experts in the field while the Crouchback Alpha coefficient was used to test for instrument reliability. The questionnaires were the instrument for data collection. Furthermore, data were analysed using tables, percentages and weighted means score on a four point Likert scale. To this end, results showed that the PR practices of Pabod Breweries (108 or 60.7%) are more effective than Daewoo Nigeria Limited (84 or 44%). Findings also reveal that both Pabod Breweries and Daewoo Nigeria Limited maintain their relationship with their host communities. Sequel to this, the study among other position concluded that the dynamics of host-corporate relations has informed the need for organisation to revisit their public relations policies. The study therefore, recommends that multinational companies should revisit their public relations policies with a view of strategically identify and carryout public relations practices that are not only stakeholder-centered but will also help in actualizing organisational goals. This could be better achieved with greater stakeholder engagement research.

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Open Access