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Identity-preserving editing of multiple facial attributes by learning global edit directions and local adjustments

Semantic facial attribute editing using pre-trained Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has attracted a great deal of attention and effort from researchers in recent years. Due to the high quality of face images generated by StyleGANs, much work has focused on the StyleGANs’ latent space and the proposed methods for facial image editing. Although these methods have achieved satisfying results for manipulating user-intended attributes, they have not fulfilled the goal of preserving the identity, which is an important challenge. We present ID-Style, a new architecture capable of addressing the problem of identity loss during attribute manipulation. The key components of ID-Style include a Learnable Global Direction (LGD) module, which finds a shared and semi-sparse direction for each attribute, and an Instance-Aware Intensity Predictor (IAIP) network, which finetunes the global direction according to the input instance. Furthermore, we introduce two losses during training to enforce the LGD and IAIP to find semi-sparse semantic directions that preserve the identity of the input instance. Despite reducing the size of the network by roughly 95% as compared to similar state-of-the-art works, ID-Style outperforms baselines by 10% and 7% in identity preserving metric (FRS) and average accuracy of manipulation (mACC), respectively.

Open Access
POTLoc: Pseudo-label Oriented Transformer for point-supervised temporal Action Localization

This paper tackles the challenge of point-supervised temporal action detection, wherein only a single frame is annotated for each action instance in the training set. Most of the current methods, hindered by the sparse nature of annotated points, struggle to effectively represent the continuous structure of actions or the inherent temporal and semantic dependencies within action instances. Consequently, these methods frequently learn merely the most distinctive segments of actions, leading to the creation of incomplete action proposals. This paper proposes POTLoc, a Pseudo-label Oriented Transformer for weakly-supervised Action Localization utilizing only point-level annotation. POTLoc is designed to identify and track continuous action structures via a self-training strategy. The base model begins by generating action proposals solely with point-level supervision. These proposals undergo refinement and regression to enhance the precision of the estimated action boundaries, which subsequently results in the production of ‘pseudo-labels’ to serve as supplementary supervisory signals. The architecture of the model integrates a transformer with a temporal feature pyramid to capture video snippet dependencies and model actions of varying duration. The pseudo-labels, providing information about the coarse locations and boundaries of actions, assist in guiding the transformer for enhanced learning of action dynamics. POTLoc outperforms the state-of-the-art point-supervised methods on THUMOS’14 and ActivityNet-v1.2 datasets.

Open Access
Text to image synthesis with multi-granularity feature aware enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks

Synthesizing complex images from text presents challenging. Compared to autoregressive and diffusion model-based methods, Generative Adversarial Network-based methods have significant advantages in terms of computational cost and generation efficiency yet remain two limitations: first, these methods often refine all features output from the previous stage indiscriminately, without considering these features are initialized gradually during the generation process; second, the sparse semantic constraints provided by the text description are typically ineffective for refining fine-grained features. These issues complicate the balance between generation quality, computational cost and inference speed. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-granularity Feature Aware Enhancement GAN (MFAE-GAN), which allows the refinement process to match the order of different granularity features being initialized. Specifically, MFAE-GAN (1) samples category-related coarse-grained features and instance-level detail-related fine-grained features at different generation stages based on different attention mechanisms in Coarse-grained Feature Enhancement (CFE) and Fine-grained Feature Enhancement (FFE) to guide the generation process spatially, (2) provides denser semantic constraints than textual semantic information through Multi-granularity Features Adaptive Batch Normalization (MFA-BN) in the process of refining fine-grained features, and (3) adopts a Global Semantics Preservation (GSP) to avoid the loss of global semantics when sampling features continuously. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our MFAE-GAN is competitive in terms of both image generation quality and efficiency.

Improving semantic video retrieval models by training with a relevance-aware online mining strategy

To retrieve a video via a multimedia search engine, a textual query is usually created by the user and then used to perform the search. Recent state-of-the-art cross-modal retrieval methods learn a joint text–video embedding space by using contrastive loss functions, which maximize the similarity of positive pairs while decreasing that of the negative pairs. Although the choice of these pairs is fundamental for the construction of the joint embedding space, the selection procedure is usually driven by the relationships found within the dataset: a positive pair is commonly formed by a video and its own caption, whereas unrelated video-caption pairs represent the negative ones. We hypothesize that this choice results in a retrieval system with limited semantics understanding, as the standard training procedure requires the system to discriminate between groundtruth and negative even though there is no difference in their semantics. Therefore, differently from the previous approaches, in this paper we propose a novel strategy for the selection of both positive and negative pairs which takes into account both the annotations and the semantic contents of the captions. By doing so, the selected negatives do not share semantic concepts with the positive pair anymore, and it is also possible to discover new positives within the dataset. Based on our hypothesis, we provide a novel design of two popular contrastive loss functions, and explore their effectiveness on four heterogeneous state-of-the-art approaches. The extensive experimental analysis conducted on four datasets, EPIC-Kitchens-100, MSR-VTT, MSVD, and Charades, validates the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, observing, e.g., more than +20% nDCG on EPIC-Kitchens-100. Furthermore, these results are corroborated with qualitative evidence both supporting our hypothesis and explaining why the proposed strategy effectively overcomes it.

Open Access
Complete contextual information extraction for self-supervised monocular depth estimation

Self-supervised learning methods are increasingly important for monocular depth estimation since they do not require ground-truth data during training. Although existing methods have achieved great success for better monocular depth estimation based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), the limited receptive field of CNNs usually is insufficient to effectively model the global information, e.g., relationship between foreground and background or relationship among objects, which are crucial for accurately capturing scene structure. Recently, some studies based on Transformers have attracted significant interest in computer vision. However, duo to the lack of spatial locality bias, they may fail to model the local information, e.g., fine-grained details with an image. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel self-supervised learning framework by incorporating the advantages of both the CNNs and Transformers so as to model the complete contextual information for high-quality monocular depth estimation. Specifically, the proposed method mainly includes two branches, where the Transformer branch is considered to capture the global information while the Convolution branch is exploited to preserve the local information. We also design a rectangle convolution module with pyramid structure to perceive the semi-global information, e.g. thin objects, along the horizontal and vertical directions within an image. Moreover, we propose a shape refinement module by learning the affinity matrix between pixel and its neighborhood to obtain accurate geometrical structure of scenes. Extensive experiments evaluated on KITTI, Cityscapes and Make3D dataset demonstrate that the proposed method achieves the competitive result compared with the state-of-the-art self-supervised monocular depth estimation methods and shows good cross-dataset generalization ability.

An unsupervised multi-focus image fusion method via dual-channel convolutional network and discriminator

The challenge in multi-focus image fusion tasks lies in accurately preserving the complementary information from the source images in the fused image. However, existing datasets often lack ground truth images, making it difficult for some full-reference loss functions (such as SSIM) to effectively participate in model training, thereby further affecting the performance of retaining source image details. To address this issue, this paper proposes an unsupervised dual-channel dense convolutional method, DCD, for multi-focus image fusion. DCD designs Patch processing blocks specifically for the fusion task, which segment the source image pairs into equally sized patches and evaluate their information to obtain a reconstructed image and a set of adaptive weight coefficients. The reconstructed image is used as the reference image, enabling unsupervised methods to utilize full-reference loss functions in training and overcoming the challenge of lacking labeled data in the training set. Furthermore, considering that the human visual system (HVS) is more sensitive to brightness than color, DCD trains the dual-channel network using both RGB images and their luminance components. This allows the network to focus more on the brightness information while preserving the color and gradient details of the source images, resulting in fused images that are more compatible with the HVS. The adaptive weight coefficients obtained through the Patch processing blocks are also used to determine the degree of preservation of the brightness information in the source images. Finally, comparative experiments on different datasets also demonstrate the superior performance of DCD in terms of fused image quality compared to other methods.
