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Source apportionment of PM2.5 oxidative potential in an East Mediterranean site

This study aimed to evaluate the oxidative potential (OP) of PM2.5 collected for almost a year in an urban area of the East Mediterranean. Two acellular assays, based on ascorbic acid (AA) and dithiothreitol (DTT) depletion, were used to measure the OP. The results showed that the mean volume normalized OP-AAv value was 0.64 ± 0.29 nmol·min−1·m−3 and the mean OP-DTTv was 0.49 ± 0.26 nmol·min−1·m−3. Several approaches were adopted in this work to study the relationship between the species in PM2.5 (carbonaceous matter, water-soluble ions, major and trace elements, and organic compounds) or their sources and OP values. Spearman correlations revealed strong correlations of OP-AAv with carbonaceous subfractions as well as organic compounds while OP-DTTv seemed to be more correlated with elements emitted from different anthropogenic activities. Furthermore, a multiple linear regression method was used to estimate the contribution of PM2.5 sources, determined by a source-receptor model (Positive Matrix Factorization), to the OP values. The results showed that the sources that highly contribute to the PM2.5 mass (crustal dust and ammonium sulfate) were not the major sources contributing to the values of OP. Instead, 69 % of OP-AAv and 62 % of OP-DTTv values were explained by three local anthropogenic sources: Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) combustion from a power plant, biomass burning, and road traffic emissions. As for the seasonal variations, higher OP-AAv values were observed during winter compared to summer, while OP-DTTv did not show any significant differences between the two seasons. The contribution of biomass burning during winter was 33 and 34 times higher compared to summer for OP-AAv and OP-DTTv, respectively. On the other hand, higher contributions were observed for HFO combustion during summer.

Effective neighborhood search with optimal splitting and adaptive memory for the team orienteering problem with time windows

The Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows (TOPTW) is an extension of the well-known Orienteering Problem. Given a set of locations, each one associated with a profit, a service time and a time window, the objective of the TOPTW is to plan a set of routes, over a subset of locations, that maximizes the total collected profit while satisfying travel time limitations and time window constraints. Within this paper, we present an effective neighborhood search for the TOPTW based on (1) the alternation between two different search spaces, a giant tour search space and a route search space, using a powerful splitting algorithm, and (2) the use of a long term memory mechanism to keep high quality routes encountered in elite solutions. We conduct extensive computational experiments to investigate the contribution of these components, and measure the performance of our method on literature benchmarks. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of overall solution quality and computational time. It finds the current best known solutions, or better ones, for 89% of the literature instances within reasonable runtimes. Moreover, it is able to achieve better average deviation than state-of-the-art algorithms within shorter computation times. Moreover, new improvements for 57 benchmark instances were found.

Open Access
Investigating the plausibility of a PMF source apportionment solution derived using a small dataset: A case study from a receptor in a rural site in Apulia - South East Italy

Results of a methodological study on the use of Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) with smaller datasets are being reported in this work. This study is based on 29 PM10 and 33 PM2.5 samples from a receptor in a rural setup in Apulia (Southern Italy). Running PMF on the two size fractions separately resulted in the model not functioning correctly. We therefore, augmented the size of the dataset by aggregating the PM10 and PM2.5 data. The 5-factor solution obtained for the aggregated data was fairly rotationally stable, and was further refined by the rotational tools included in USEPA PMF version 5. These refinements include the imposition of constraints on the solution, based on our knowledge of the chemical composition of the aerosol sources affecting the receptor. Additionally, the uncertainties associated with this solution were fully characterised using the improved error estimation techniques in this version of PMF. Five factors in all, were isolated by PMF: ammonium sulfate, marine aerosol, mixed carbonaceous aerosol, crustal/Saharan dust and total traffic. The results obtained by PMF were further tested inter alia, by comparing them to those obtained by two other receptor modelling techniques: Constrained Weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization (CW – NMF) and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB). The results of these tests suggest that the solution obtained by PMF, is valid, indicating that for this particular airshed PMF managed to extract most of the information about the aerosol sources affecting the receptor – even from a dataset with a limited number of samples.
