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Artificial Intelligence Based Decision Support System for Education Management in Higher Education

Universities face challenges in improving the effectiveness of lecturer performance evaluation to support education and research development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers the potential to optimize the evaluation process through automation, big data analysis, and smarter decision-making. This research aims to identify and implement strategies for the implementation of artificial intelligence in lecturer performance evaluation systems in higher education. The main focus is to improve the objectivity, accuracy, and efficiency of the evaluation process, so as to provide more meaningful feedback to lecturers. This research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were obtained through literature studies, interviews with education and technology experts, and analysis of existing lecturer performance evaluation data. An AI system was developed to process and analyze evaluation data by utilizing machine learning algorithms to provide more accurate evaluation recommendations. The result of this research is that implementing artificial intelligence in the lecturer performance evaluation system succeeded in improving the accuracy of the evaluation. The system is able to provide recommendations for lecturer development based on a thorough analysis of their performance. In addition, the time efficiency of the evaluation process was also significantly improved. The conclusion of this study shows that artificial intelligence implementation strategies can be successfully applied in lecturer performance evaluation systems in higher education. With increased objectivity, accuracy, and efficiency, this system makes a positive contribution to human resource management in the academic environment. It also encourages further implementation of AI technology in lecturer performance evaluation to improve the quality of higher education.

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Development of an Adaptive Higher Education Management Model with Artificial Intelligence

Higher education is the main pillar in building superior human resources in the era of globalization. The development of an adaptive higher education management model has become essential and global in the current era. However, the complexity of the challenges faced by higher education institutions in managing internal and external dynamics in their development. For this reason, an adaptive higher education management model has been developed using artificial intelligence. The aim of this research is to design and implement a responsive management model, utilizing artificial intelligence to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. The research method was carried out through literature analysis, case studies, and system prototype development. By integrating artificial intelligence technology, this model is able to identify behavioral patterns, forecast trends, and provide real-time information to support managerial decision making. The research results show improvements in resource management, scheduling, and adaptation to changing dynamics of higher education. The integration of artificial intelligence accelerates the decision-making process, increases the efficiency of resource management, and overall, provides a strong foundation to address the complex dynamics of the world of higher education. The conclusion of this research states that there is great potential for artificial intelligence in the higher education management process. The resulting adaptive model is able to bring operational efficiency, enabling educational institutions to be more responsive to student needs and environmental dynamics. Thus, developing this model can be a strategic step to increase the competitiveness and relevance of higher education institutions in this modern era. Hopefully this research can be a benchmark for other research in conducting research.

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Self Regulated Learning: Its Role and Influence in Improving Student Achievement and Interest in Learning

At present, many students carry out learning activities without any planning and evaluation of their own learning. So that many students do assignments carelessly, submit assignments not on time and are late in attending lessons. This is because students have not been able to regulate themselves in learning which can affect students' low academic achievement. The purpose of this study is to improve student achievement and interest in learning through self-regulated learning. The method used by researchers in conducting this research is a quantitative method by distributing research questionnaires through google form. The results of this study have many important findings that self regulated learning can help students to improve their ability to learn and understand the material. The conclusion of this study explains that self-regulated learning plays an important role in improving students' achievement and interest in learning. Because it can make it easier for students to understand the lessons explained by the teacher. The limitation of this study is that researchers only surveyed certain students so it will be difficult to obtain appropriate data in choosing the ideal student learning method. The researcher hopes that future researchers can survey all students and not just certain students. This researcher also recommends to future researchers to be a benchmark in conducting research related to self-regulated learning and student learning quality

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Curriculum Development Management: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Global Education

Education has now spread globally along with the development of technology. The impact of this education has an influence on curriculum management in higher education. This is a major factor for the world of education so that it can develop the curriculum well and wisely. It also includes constant evolution in technology, social change, and the need for new skills, all of which influence curriculum development. The aim of this research is to analyze the challenges faced by curriculum development management, considering globalization factors, technology and variations in student needs. This research method involves in-depth literature study and analysis of empirical data from a number of educational institutions. The research results show that curriculum development management requires a more adaptive and inclusive approach, considering global skills needs, technology integration, and active participation of all education stakeholders. Opportunities were identified in the ability to increase global access to education through technology, integration of curricula relevant to future needs, and cross-border collaboration in developing holistic curricula. In conclusion, management of curriculum development in the era of global education requires continuous adaptation, based on in-depth analysis of student needs and changes in the global context. The challenge faced is ensuring relevance, agility and inclusivity in curriculum development, while taking advantage of technological opportunities and cross-border collaboration. The limitation of this research is that curriculum development management is only intended for the world of education. We hope that the research conducted by researchers can become a reference and consideration for researchers who wish to conduct research related to curriculum management in education.

Open Access
Educational Management Innovation by Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Innovation in higher education is essential to align teaching with technological developments. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) offers great potential to improve education management in higher education through optimizing the teaching and learning process. This research aims to explore how the integration of artificial intelligence in education management can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of students' learning experience in higher education. The research method includes a comparative analysis between conventional education management systems and systems that utilize artificial intelligence, as well as the implementation of AI technology in the decision-making process in higher education. The results show that the application of artificial intelligence can improve the ability of prediction, data analysis, adaptation, and personalization in curriculum management, student performance evaluation, and the provision of learning resources tailored to individual needs. Artificial intelligence in education management in higher education has opened up various opportunities. Artificial intelligence enables personalization of learning. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence in administration has also improved the efficiency of resource management and administrative processes. The conclusion of this study states that the utilization of artificial intelligence in educational management in higher education can bring about positive changes. By effectively utilizing artificial intelligence technology, universities can improve students' learning experience and optimize administrative efficiency, better preparing students for future challenges. It can also manage education in higher education to create a more adaptive, responsive, and innovative learning environment, which in turn can improve the overall quality of higher education.

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Optimizing the Potential of Technology-Based Learning Increases Student Engagement

Technology-based education has developed rapidly in recent years. The use of technology in learning environments provides an excellent opportunity to increase student engagement, enhance their learning experience and prepare them for the demands of an ever-changing digital world. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of technology-based learning to increase student engagement. First, this article presents various technology tools and platforms that can be used for learning. In an age dominated by digital devices, there are many tools and apps that can help create engaging and interactive learning experiences. For example, smartphone apps, interactive learning software and online learning platforms can be used to create rich content, realistic simulations and better student collaboration. In addition, this article examines the importance of paying attention to the diversity of student learning styles in a technology-enabled curriculum. Every student has unique learning preferences, and technology is enabling teachers to create learning experiences tailored to individual learning styles. For example, instructional videos, interactive simulations, and online discussions can be used for a variety of student learning needs. In addition, this article highlights the importance of involving students in making decisions about technology-based learning. By giving students the opportunity to actively participate in determining content, methods and learning objectives, they feel more involved and responsible for their learning. Through active participation, students can develop the critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills needed in a changing society. Lastly, this article emphasizes the importance of continuous assessment and progress in technology-based learning. To ensure the effective use of technology, it is necessary to continuously assess its impact on student learning. In addition, continuous efforts must be made to further develop and update the technology used in learning so that it can continue to meet the growing needs and demands of learning. In short it can be said that the use of technology in teaching offers excellent opportunities to increase students' willingness to learn. Through the use of different technology tools and platforms, accommodating the diversity of student learning styles, involving students in decision-making, and continuous evaluation and progress, the potential of technology-based learning can be optimized to create more dynamic, engaging and important learning experiences for today's students.

Open Access
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Increase the Efficiency of Education Management in the Future

Education is a process for all time. The dynamic nature of education also means that the acceleration of life must be responded quickly with responsive education services. If education has an activity base that only repeats the past without getting closer to the contestual aspects of the present, then education will become static and will become an activity that does not provide implications at the level of current life solutions. So the future education is education that is not value-free. Valuing education is education that is always based on aspects of usefulness for the development of human life. Education is not only based on exams and textual problem solving. More than that, that education must be a solution to all the problems of today's life. So that no matter how fast the development of life is, education must still embrace that development so that it can be filled with the values of life sourced from religious values and community norms. The purpose of this study is to determine the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve the efficient management of education in the future. This research method uses quantitative research methods, where the data is obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires online. The results showed that creative teaching strategies were able to improve student achievement and motivation to learn. From this research it can be concluded that the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of education management in the future. The limitation of this research is that it can only do the utilization of artificial intelligence even though there are many more utilizations that can improve the efficient management of education in the future. Researchers hope that future researchers can conduct research related to the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve future education management efficiency but with other utilization. This study also recommends that future researchers make this research a reference in conducting research on improving the efficiency of students' future education management through the use of artificial intelligence.

Open Access
The Role of Mobile Technology in Improving Accessibility and Quality of Learning

The development of information technology, especially in the form of mobile technology, has sbrought revolutionary changes in various fields of life, including education. The widespread use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has opened up new opportunities for learning and significantly increased the accessibility and quality of learning. The purpose of this summary is to describe the important role mobile technologies play in improving the accessibility and quality of learning. With the help of descriptive methods and literary analysis, the positive effects of mobile technologies on learning are examined. First, mobile technology has broken down geographical and physical barriers to access learning. The ability to access learning materials and educational resources via mobile devices has opened the door to distance learning and self-study. Students can now study anywhere, anytime, increasing the flexibility of the learning process. Second, mobile technology enables the use of interactive and engaging learning applications and platforms. Many educational apps available online offer innovative learning methods such as educational videos, educational games and interactive quizzes. This helps increase student engagement and interest in the learning process, which has a positive impact on their motivation and academic performance. In addition, mobile technology enables more effective collaboration and communication between students, teachers and parents. With the help of communication apps and online learning platforms, teachers can provide real-time feedback, strengthen teacher-student relationships, and facilitate parental involvement in their children's academic development. However, this summary also highlights some of the challenges and concerns that need to be addressed when learning to use mobile technology. Issues such as unequal access to technology, the potential for distracting concentration due to distracting devices, and the importance of student data security and privacy need to be carefully considered. As we recognize the increasingly important role of mobile technology in education, we can take advantage of the opportunities and opportunities offered by this technological revolution to increase the accessibility and quality of learning. With the integration of smart technology and the right support, mobile technology-based learning can become one of the main pillars of a more inclusive and innovative education in the future.

Open Access
Adaptive Learning in the Future of Educational Management Adapts to Student Needs

Education is the most important foundation for shaping the future of the next generation. In the era of ever-evolving information technology, education must be updated to remain relevant and effective. One approach that has emerged as a solution to future training needs is "adaptive learning". Adaptive learning is a teaching method that uses technology to identify and adapt each student's learning needs individually. Adaptive learning systems use data and analysis of student behavior when processing learning materials. Thus, the learning process becomes more personal, interactive and related to the abilities and learning styles of each student. This summary aims to describe the concept of adaptive learning in future educational administration and focuses on the importance of adapting to student needs. Research shows that each student has a different learning style and speed of understanding. The use of technology in adaptive learning gives teachers and educational institutions the ability to more accurately identify each student's weaknesses and strengths. In this summary, we analyze how adaptive learning can benefit students, teachers and the entire education system. Adaptive learning not only increases student engagement, but also enables teachers to develop more effective teaching strategies based on the information and data they collect. However, this summary also discusses some of the challenges and considerations that must be faced when implementing adaptive learning. These include questions about student information security, the development of high-quality adaptive learning content, and the role and involvement of teachers in the use of educational technology. Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, adaptive learning offers hope for creating a more inclusive and effective education system. With an approach that addresses students' needs, adaptive learning can become the main pillar in building a generation that is ready to face the complexities of the modern world.

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