
Education is a process for all time. The dynamic nature of education also means that the acceleration of life must be responded quickly with responsive education services. If education has an activity base that only repeats the past without getting closer to the contestual aspects of the present, then education will become static and will become an activity that does not provide implications at the level of current life solutions. So the future education is education that is not value-free. Valuing education is education that is always based on aspects of usefulness for the development of human life. Education is not only based on exams and textual problem solving. More than that, that education must be a solution to all the problems of today's life. So that no matter how fast the development of life is, education must still embrace that development so that it can be filled with the values of life sourced from religious values and community norms. The purpose of this study is to determine the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve the efficient management of education in the future. This research method uses quantitative research methods, where the data is obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires online. The results showed that creative teaching strategies were able to improve student achievement and motivation to learn. From this research it can be concluded that the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of education management in the future. The limitation of this research is that it can only do the utilization of artificial intelligence even though there are many more utilizations that can improve the efficient management of education in the future. Researchers hope that future researchers can conduct research related to the utilization of artificial intelligence to improve future education management efficiency but with other utilization. This study also recommends that future researchers make this research a reference in conducting research on improving the efficiency of students' future education management through the use of artificial intelligence.

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