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Komunikasi Dakwah dan Pembentukan Identitas Islam dalam Komunitas Masyarakat Baduy di Kampung Mualaf Ciboleger

The Baduy people, an ethnic minority living in the Banten region, Indonesia, were known for maintaining traditional values ​​and living a simple life. Even though they were relatively isolated from the outside world, the Baduy people cannot be separated from the influence of Islam which has become an inseparable part of their lives. The aim of this research was to analyze the role of da'wah in the formation of Islamic identity in the Baduy community who converted to Islam in Ciboleger Village. This research used ethnographic methods to observe social interactions, religious rituals and communication methods in this community. The research results showed that da'wah communication plays an important role in the process of conversion and internalization of Islamic values, as well as the formation of a new religious identity among the Bedouin community. Da'wah was carried out through individual and community approaches that emphasize religious teachings and respect for local traditions. The Islamic identity created reflects a combination of Islamic teachings and local culture, thus creating a dynamic and unique identity among the transformed Baduy community. This study contributed to understanding the process of da'wah and the formation of religious identity in the context of indigenous communities in Indonesia.

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Aktivitas Komunikator Politik Partai Gerindra dalam Peningkatan Perolehan Suara pada Pemilu 2024 di Kota Pekanbaru

This research analyzes Gerindra Party's political communication strategy in increasing political participation through social media, focusing on young voters and political communicator activities. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research aims to describe and understand social phenomena from the perspective of participants, with a case study analysis model. The results show that Gerindra Party targets young voters as part of its electoral strategy. The party actively engages young voters through in-person and online discussion activities, and interacts on social media using casual language that is easily understood by the millennial generation. The activities of Gerindra's political communicators on social media aim to bridge the gap between young voters and political parties, as well as to build personal closeness. political parties, as well as building personal closeness. In addition, the announcement regarding Gerindra's legislative candidates for the Pekanbaru City DPRD in the 2024 Election is disseminated transparently through official letters. Overall, political communication strategy implemented by the Gerindra Party, through the activities of effective political communicators on social media, succeeded in increasing activities on social media, succeeded in increasing political participation, especially among young voters, political participation, especially among young voters.

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Strategi Dakwah SALIMAH: Membangun Karakter Muslimah yang Tangguh di Kecamatan Nguntoronadi, Kabupaten Wonogiri

The Salimah Community (Muslim Brotherhood) is an organization that focuses on empowering Muslim women through religious, educational, and social programs. Established in 2012 in Nguntoronadi District, Wonogiri Regency, this community plays an important role in shaping the character of Muslim women. This study aims to analyze the role of Salimah in building the character of Muslim women through the da'wah approach and social activities. A qualitative descriptive approach was used in this study, with data collection through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out using the triangulation method. The results of the study show that Salimah has succeeded in shaping the character of Muslim women through religious study programs, personality training, and social activities such as fundraising for orphans and parenting socialization. Salimah's da'wah strategy is designed in a structured manner, involves the active participation of members, and is evaluated periodically to increase its effectiveness. As a result, there is an increase in religious understanding, social solidarity, and awareness of the role of Muslim women in society. Salimah is not only a religious community, but also an agent of social change that contributes to the formation of individuals with Islamic character and a better society.

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