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Design and Implementation of a Responsive Web-based System for Controlling the Financial Budget of Universities

The management of the financial budget of universities is an extremely complex task due to having numerous different documents and calculation processes. In many developing regions and countries including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, budget execution and accounting processes are manual. This had deleterious effects on the functioning of their expenditure and income management. This research represents the design and implementation of a responsive web-based system for controlling the financial budget of universities. This system can improve the recording and processing of financial transactions. Moreover, it traces all the stages of the transaction processing from budget releases, does auditing, and accounting of expenditures, incomes, deposits, and funds. Furthermore, it provides financial information on present and past performance. The system is a responsive web-based system, which adjusts the layout of the pages based on the screen size and orientation of the user's device. The system was implemented by using programming languages such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, and MySQL. Finally, the provided system needed to be investigated from the performance point of view. Therefore, a questionnaire was used to determine the system’s usability by using the System Usability Scale (SUS) tool. The results revealed that a score of 86.250% of satisfaction has been achieved.

Open Access
E-Course Adviser for Students in Tertiary Institutions: An Expert System Design Approach

Course adviser in tertiary institution guides students on course enrolment which is part of the registration process for students. It is a phase where a student formally enrolls for requisite courses in a particular semester. Students on gaining admission are required to enroll into courses offered in their chosen programme of study every semester progressively with certain credit limits in each semester. The courses are arranged in an ascending order of complexity such that the criterion for registering for a higher course is to have passed the lower prerequisite course(s). Academic advisers are appointed for students to guide them on course enrolment but due to human factor, a lot of students end up registering for inappropriate courses which leads to inefficiency in career. This research work developed a model that classifies students as either “registrable” Or “not registerable”. Multi-layered Feedforward Neural Networks was used to develop the model that will classify students. The dataset used consists of 150 records, 4 input layers, one hidden layer, and 1output layer. The train/test split of the dataset was in the ration of 80:20. The Networks was trained for 2000 epochs. The accuracy of the model was 0.97. If a student fails more than 15 credit hours of registered courses, such student will be considered “not registerable” and hence redirected to the expert adviser for proper guidance on the course(s) to register.

Open Access
Optimizing Accuracy of Stroke Prediction Using Logistic Regression

An unexpected limitation of blood supply to the brain and heart causes the majority of strokes. Stroke severity can be reduced by being aware of the many stroke warning signs in advance. A stroke may result if the flow of blood to a portion of the brain stops suddenly. In this research, we present a strategy for predicting the early start of stroke disease by using Logistic Regression (LR) algorithms. To improve the performance of the model, preprocessing techniques including SMOTE, feature selection and outlier handling were applied to the dataset. This method helped in achieving a balance of class distribution, identifying and removing unimportant features and handling outliers. with the existence of increased blood pressure, body mass, heart conditions, average blood glucose levels, smoking status, prior stroke, and age. Impairment occurs as the brain's neurons gradually die, depending on which area of the brain is affected by the reduced blood supply. Early diagnosis of symptoms can be extremely helpful in predicting stroke and supporting a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, we performed an experiment using logistic regression (LR) and compared it to a number of other studies that used the same machine learning model, which is logistic regression (LR), and the same dataset. The results showed that our method successfully achieved the highest F1 score and area under curve (AUC) score, which can be a successful tool for stroke disease prediction with an accuracy of 86% compared to the other five studies in the same field. The predictive model for stroke has prospective applications, and as a result, it is still significant for academics and practitioners in the fields of medicine and health sciences.

Open Access