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Hegemonic Antagonistism as An Emancipative Effort in Dickens's A Christmas Carol (1843): A Study of Laclau-Mouffe Post-Marxism

This study aims to describe the dominant hegemony and antagonism or contestation of hegemony that occurred in the novel A Christmas Carol (1843) written by Charles Dickens. The method is descriptive qualitative with note-taking data collection techniques. The results of the study prove are (1) Scrooge, a banker who from the beginning was and acted egocentric, individualist, and likes to exploit his employee, is the representation of the dominant capitalist hegemony. This domination has become the enemy and triggered the existence of humanist religiosity, counter-hegemony, or the people which are a hegemony collaboration of discourses of anti-exploitation, anti-discrimination, anti-egocentrism, and anti-individualism represented through social order and figures around Scrooge. (2) Scrooge's identity and ideology which is dominated by Capitalism hegemony are not full and dynamic. The lack of identity fullness gives a possibility to the transformation of identity and ideology in Scrooge. This is reinforced by the presence of antagonism of dominant hegemony, capitalism, and counter-hegemony, humanist religiosity that has implications for changing the attitude of Scrooge to become a rich person who is generous, religious, friendly, humanist, anti-exploitative, and anti-individual. Thus, the figure of Scrooge has become the arena of antagonism of hegemony in which the presence of hegemonic antagonism is an emancipatory effort countering and undermining the dominance of capitalism.

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Open Access
Ecological Awareness Reconstruction in Kuntowijoyo’s Novel Mantra Pejinak Ular

Environmental issues have become a topic of discussion in the last few decades. Kuntowijoyo, a well-known novelist in Indonesia, also pays serious attention to the environmental issues through his literary works. This study uses a critical discourse analysis method with an ecocritical approach to reveal and explain the forms of ecological awareness reconstruction which are contained in Kuntowijoyo's novel Mantra Pejinak Ular. The results are as follows. Reconstructions are carried out from a perspective, a way of behaving, a mode of transportation, a model of recreation, and an investment model towards the environment. (1) The reconstruction of the perspective is carried out by rebuilding human consciousness to build harmony with nature. (2) The reconstruction of how to behave is carried out by prioritizing actions to preserve nature. (3) The reconstruction of transportation mode is carried out by warding off the bad social stigma of natural transportation modes. (4) The reconstruction of the recreation model is carried out by enjoying the beauty of animals without cutting them off from their original habitat. (5) The reconstruction of the investment model is carried out by applying an investment model with an ecological perspective that prioritizes environmental sustainability as a legacy for future generations.

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Open Access
Struggle for Seeking Knowledge in A Foreign Country in Ahmed Shawqi's Syuhadā’ul-`Ilmi wal-Gharbah: A Semiotic Analysis

This research aims to reveal the semiotic meaning contained in the poem entitled Syuhadā’ul-`Ilmi wal-Gharbah written by Ahmed Shawqi. Shawqi saw and observed the conditions of the Egyptian people at that time who were experiencing difficulties, sorrow, poverty, ignorance, and British colonialism. Therefore, the Egyptian government sent young people to western countries to study in the hope that after returning to Egypt, they could build their country and nation. In order to reveal the semiotic meaning contained in the poem entitled Syuhadā’ul-`Ilmi wal-Gharbah, the semiotic theory was used through methods of heuristic reading and hermeneutic reading or retroactive reading. Meanwhile, the reading technique was conducted by reading one by one or reading gradually from the heuristic reading to the hermeneutic reading or retroactive reading. The results of the research indicated that knowledge was one of the ways to solve the problems of poverty, ignorance, and resistance to British colonialism in Egypt. However, in reality, young Egyptians who were sent to western countries had accidents and killed them. Therefore, Shawqi emphasized that Egyptian youths remained patient and enthusiastic about seeking knowledge in a foreign country in order to build their state and nation in the future.

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Open Access
Traumatic Experiences in Eka Kurniawan's Novel Seperti Dendam, Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas

The emergence of trauma study with the publication of Cathy Caruth's Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History have gained significant interest in analyzing traumatic experiences in literary works. Literary trauma is seen as the media and alternative to read the wound and trauma through narration and fiction in the form of an anxiety plot. This study aims to analyze the traumatic experiences in Eka Kurniawan's novel entitled Seperti Dendam, Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature. The objects of this research are the traumatic events and experiences in Kurniawan's novel. The data were collected by note taking and highlighting the relevant traumatic event and analyzed using the concept of trauma and memory of Cathy Caruth. The result shows that the characters in this novel respond to trauma differently such as having intrusive thoughts, re-experiencing the trauma through flashbacks and dreams, avoidance, and having negative feelings and moods. The novel shows that the socio-cultural environment can become the greatest source of trauma as well as offer the healing process for the traumatized through compassion and understanding. The characters' traumatic experience is narrated by the unknown godlike narrator. Through the portrayal of the characters, Kurniawan reveals how pain, suffering, and traumatic experiences lead the characters to gain high self-esteem, self-knowledge, and philosophical understanding of social reality.

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Open Access
Representasi Konflik Politik 1965 dalam Cerpen Susuk Kekebalan karya Han Gagas

Cerpen Susuk Kekebalankarya Han Gagas merupakan salah satu cerpen dalam buku kumpulan cerpen Catatan Orang Gila. Cerpen tersebut menceritakankonflik politik 1965 dengan setingcerita di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Seperti halnya peristiwa bersejarah tersebut, Han Gagas menarasikan keterlibatan negara yang terepresentasikan dalam bentuk aparatusnya yaitutentarayang dibantu oleh masyarakat untuk menyerang tokohyang dianggap simpatisan Lekra, yaitu Warok Wulunggeni beserta pengikutnya sebagai representasi ideologi resisten terhadap hegemoni negara. Persoalan yang perlu dicermati berkaitan dengan bentuk representasi ideologi dominan sebagai cerminan hegemoni negara dalam cerpen, bentuk resistensi idologi resisten terhadap hegemoni negara dalam cerpen, danbentuk dominasi negara terhadap ideologi resisten yang tercermin dalam cerpen. Teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah Negara dan Hegemoni Antonio Gramsci yang terdiri dari Hegemoni, Resistensi, Konsensus, dan Dominasi. Metode analisis tulisan ini dengan melihat persoalan tekstual dalam cerpen dan mengoperasikan vitur-vitur teori Antonio Gramsci yang berkaitan dengan perebutan momentumdan kekuasaan khususnya pada era 1965. Analisis tulisan ini menghasilkan; 1. Ideologi dominan sebagai representasi hegemoni negara dalam perebutan momentum yang terepresentasikan dalam cerpen tersebut adalah kelompok masyarakat anti-PKI yang dipimpin oleh Warok Wirodigdo dan seorang bapak bersenapan; 2. Bentuk resistensi ideologiresisten yang tercermin dalam cerpen tersebut yaitu perlawanan secara fisik oleh kelompok Warok Wulunggeni terhadap representasi negara yaitu massa yang dipimpin Warok Wirodigdo dan bapak bersenapan; 3. Dominasi negara terhadap kelompok resisten yaitupenumpasankelompok Warok Wulunggenisebagai tokoh Lekra. Kata kunci: susuk kekebalan, resistensi dan dominasi negara, konflik politik 1965

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