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Рост и плодоношение колонновидных сортов яблони селекции ВНИИСПК в интенсивном саду

Breeding for columnar apple varieties has been carried out at FSBSI All Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding since 1984. By now, adaptive and productive columnar varieties having fruit of high quality have been developed (‘riokskoye’ ‘oezia’ ‘ostorg’ ‘irlianda’ ‘rlovskaya Yesenia’ ‘Sozvezdie’, etc.). These varieties have immunity to scab (Vf). ‘Zeliony Shum’ and ‘Priokskoye’ have the most vigorous habit; the height of 6-year trees of these varieties on 62-396 rootstock is 205.8 cm and 201.9 cm, respectively. ‘Girlianda’ (0.8 cm), ‘Poezia’ (0.9 cm), ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’ (1.0 cm) as well as control variety ‘Moskovskoye Ozherelie’ (0.6 cm) are characterized by the least quantity of lateral twigs per tree (≥15 cm in length). ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’ and ‘Sozvezdie’ have early fruit-bearing among columnar varieties; three years after inoculation they bore yield 84 centner/ha. During the fi rst four years of fruiting ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’, ‘Girlianda’ and ‘Priokskoye’ were the most fruitful varieties with the average yield of 259 centner/ha, 228 centner/ha and 224 centner/ha, respectively, while control ‘Valuta’ and ‘Moskovskoye Ozherelie’ had authentically lower yields (165 and 141 centner/ha, respectively). (‘Priokskoye’, ‘Poezia’, ‘Vostorg’, ‘Girlianda’ and ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’ are characterized by a complex of valuable commercial traits (adaptability, early fruit-bearing, high productivity and scab immunity) and are worth of wide production trials. The establishing of columnar apple orchards contributes to the improvement of the environment in the orchard since it decreases the use of toxic chemicals per area unit, provides more comfortable work conditions in the orchard, signifi cantly reduces the pre-fruiting period of the orchard and gives the possibility to obtain high yields of highly qualitative apples.

Технологии защиты яблони от болезней с применением отечественных фунгицидов

The aim of the research was the optimization of the using of the import substituting drugs produced in Russia to protect against the dominant apple pathogens. During the period 2013-2015, according to conventional techniques, a series of production trials evaluating the effectiveness of triazole compounds in the suppression of apple scab and powdery mildew was conducted. During two years of testing on highly responsive to scab variety Chempion the fungicide Raek did not give on effectiveness of imported fungicide Scor with the same active ingredient. In the conditions of intensive emission of scab ascospores and with steady build-up of infectious background on the results of four treatments by observing of regulations the fungicide Raek was provided protection of the leaves at 97,0-99,0%, the protection of the fruits was at the level of 99,6-99,7 %. The biological effi ciency of domestic fungicide Medea to suppress scab on highly responsive variety Aidared was insignifi cantly different from the biological effectiveness of imported fungicides Scor and Stroby. The maximum effectiveness of the fungicide Medea in protection against scab was obtained in phenophases “fruit-hazel”: in protection of leaves on 97,3-98,9 %, in protection of fruits on 97,5-97,7 %. During protection of high-responsive variety against powdery mildew the fungicide Medea showed the effectiveness corresponding to the level of effectiveness of imported fungicide: 95,7-99,9 %. The basic points of the application technology of triazoles on apple were revealed: the maximum interval between sprinkles in intensive emission of scab ascospores and high speed of infection must not exceed six hours; at critical periods to scab infection of greatest effectiveness is achieved by using triazole in the processing sequence. Tests showed the competitiveness of Russian fungicides Raek and Medea with imported fungicide in the apple protection against scab and powdery mildew.

Регенерационная способность эксплантов рода Rubus L. различного происхождения

The problem of working out effective, reliable, reputable technique for regenerants obtaining in leaf discs and others complex explants is very actual and important for different fields of plant science such as plant breeding, virology, plant propagation, genetic and physiology. In our experiments in vitro regeneration of whole plants from the leaf discs, leaves and intermodal segments of blackberry (Rubus sp.), and red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) has been studied. It was shown that the intermodal segments provided the highest level of shoot regeneration in comparison with leaf discs and leaves culture. Anther culture was characterized by lowest rate of shoots regeneration. The rate of callus formation in isolated anther culture depended on the stage of pollen grain development. For increasing of regenerants output in leaf discs culture the optimization of nutrient media components as far as auxins and cytokinins concentration was carried out; it was also established that leaf discs explants precultivation on low level illumination provided increasing of rate regeneration. The same effect could be obtained by means of wounding of leaf blade. In general the rate of regeneration depended on species and varieties peculiarities, nutrient media composition, cultivation conditions. The worked out techniques can be used for genetic engineering and virology investigation, somaclonal selection, plant propagation including “artifi cial seeds” creation.

Основы экологической безопасности при формировании агроэкосистем садовых культур

In a worsening of ecological situation of imbalance between the structural units agrobiocenoses, under the influence of anthropogenic factors, increases the negative impact on the environment. Requires new approaches to the formation of agro-ecosystems, the development of environmentally friendly plant protection system, allowing to significantly reduce the use of chemicals, widely used natural antagonists of harmful organisms, to intensify the processes of self-regulation in agrocenoses. Optimization habitat garden crops, improvement of ecological situation, the possibility of timely neutralization elements phytosanitary destabilization in agroecosystems depend on many factors, competent and timely implementation of the necessary protective measures. This organizational agronomic and preventive measures, continuous monitoring of pest, beneficial fauna, the phytosanitary situation in general, the use of healthy planting material, immune, resistant or tolerant varieties, parasites, predators and other biological means of plant protection. Knowledge of the characteristics, conditions and wide use of environmentally safe methods and ways of combining them with a scientifically sound reasonable use of selective chemical plant protection products allows to effectively control the phytosanitary situation, to regulate the number and degree of severity of pest and pathogens in plants horticultural crops.
