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The Role of One Health Approach Research for the Conservation of Endemic Wild Animals and Mitigation of Future Public Health Threat in Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia.

One of the things that made the Bale mountains park attract international attention is the home of many endemic wild animal including the world rarest canid, Ethiopian wolf. However, the park's major issues, especially public health study, wildlife and environmental sanitation, have not been adequately researched. The main objectives of the review is to highlight the study needed for prevention of animal and human health threat at Bale mountains national park. The water (river) rises from the park is used for drinking by the people downstream. As human approach to new area of the park, there is a chance for infected with new pathogens which may cause for newly emerging outbreak of the disease. The endemic animal in the park is infected with many disease from different reservoirs such as another wild animal and environment they reside in. As an example the Ethiopian wolf which listed as critically endangered species of the animal is infected with many disease which are transmitted from the rodents, carcass, stray dogs, human and the environment specially water bodies. Due to that infectious disease in rodents, stray dogs, human lives in the park and presence of pathogenic agents in water bodies should be investigated for prevention and controlling of infectious disease which could be causes extinction of the Ethiopian wolf. Wildlife waste is major water pollutants which may excreted and released from large animals to rodents found in Bale mountains national park. The pathogen from wild animal and human can made contamination of water bodies rise from mountainous area of the Bale and flow to the downstream can easily made the pathogen transported to lowland area of Ethiopia and Somalia which results a health risk of livestock, wild animal and human. Thus integrated research related to identification of pathogens found in wild animal, human lives in surrounding the park, and presence of pathogen in environment of the park (water bodies, soil) should be performed.

Open Access
Evaluation of Furrow Irrigation System on Head Cabbage Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Arbegona Woreda, Ethiopia

Available fresh water resources are subjected to an ever-increasing pressure due to extensive agricultural water demand for irrigated lands. A long-term perspective in shortage of fresh water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid area, highlights an urgent solution for innovative irrigation strategies and agricultural water management. The experiment was conducted in Arbegona district, Sidama region of Ethiopia. This experiment was conducted to evaluate and demonstrate of Alternative, Fixed and Conventional furrow irrigations on Head Cabbage yield and water use efficiency. To achieve this objective the treatment were three furrow irrigation method (Conventional, Alternate and Fixed furrow) laid out in a random complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The result shows that there is no significant difference between alternative and conventional furrow irrigation on Head cabbage yield. But, fixed furrow irrigation system reduces the yield significantly. The maximum yield (48407kg/ha and 43840kg/ha) was obtained from conventional and alternate furrow irrigation method, respectively. The minimum yield (35242kg/ha) was obtained under fixed furrow irrigation. Furrow irrigation method has no significant effect on plant height, head weight and head diameter of head cabbage. The highest water use efficiency was obtained from alternate furrow irrigation and shows significant difference between the other treatments. Therefore, to save water, labour and time without significant yield reduction alternate furrow irrigation is recommended in water scarce area of Ethiopia.

Open Access
Assessment of Groundwater Hydrochemistry Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis Techniques and Aquachem (Piper Trilinear) the Case Study of Wabishable Basin, Ethiopia

To evaluate the spatial the characterization of the groundwater distribution of the Wabishable basin in Ethiopia using Multivariate statistical Analysis (cluster analysis and R-mode factor analysis) and Aquchem modeling. In this study use 13 physico-chemical parameters were selected Data sets from tested 107 wells samples which include: PH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), sulfate (SO4 ), bicarbonate (HCO3 ), nitrate (NO3 ), iron (Fe) TDS (total dissolved solid), electrical conductivity (EC). Based on Cluster analysis 107 sampling wells divided into two clusters grouped, such as fresh water (group1), and brackish water (group 2) based on the similarity of water quality characteristics. Factor analysis helped in identifying the factors or sources responsible for water quality variations. The varifactors obtained from factor analysis indicate that the parameters responsible for water quality variations are mainly related to water-rock interaction, agricultural activities and discharge recharge area. Further, SAR (0.28>SAR< 26.47), percent sodium (2.67 > %Na < 55.62). The overall water quality of the basin is good WQI (35 >WQI < 100) values recommended suitability for drinking water is (Good, 85%), for irrigation is (, Excellent, 95%), for Livestock (Good, 92%)

Open Access
The Use of Isotopic Techniques to Determine the Sources of Groundwater Recharge and Interaction with Surface Water in Southern Baghdad –Iraq

Isotope Hydrology has become a widely used technique for managing the global water crisis. The study of the Isotopic content of Groundwater and surface water and the study of chemical analysis is an important source of water sustainability. The study area is located south of Baghdad- Iraq three regions (Al-Dora, Al- Rustumiya and Al-Tuwaitha). Many samples were taken in the study area (15) samples Groundwater (well) and surface water (Rivers Tigris and Diyala). The results of the isotopic study indicated that there is a clear interaction in the values of the two stable isotopes between groundwater and surface water (Tigris and Diyala Rivers). In the wells (-41.5,-42.95 ‰) for deuterium (2H) (-6.77, -7.15 ‰) Oxygen-18 (18O) and the Tigris and Diyala rivers (-40 , - 39.47 - -7.34,-7.2 ‰) respectively ((2H), ((18O)) in the study area. Depending on these variables, indicates isotopic signatures similar between groundwater and surface water in the study area, helped in this the geological structures of the city of Baghdad (the sedimentation of the sedimentary plain). Through the results of isotope Tritium (H-3), (indicator to know the age of water and Recharge of water) we showed a clear convergence between the concentrations of tritium in the surface water of the rivers (Tigris and Diyala) (4.8 ± 0.064) TU and the wells (4.5 ±0.045) TU in the region, which indicates that the supply of water from wells is modern and continuous, and confirms the overlap between surface water and groundwater in the study area. It also indicated the high values of electrical conductivity in wells samples because most of the wells in the study area are shallow, where salt concentrations are high due to increased evaporation and are not suitable for drinking.

Open Access
Harvesting of Water from Atmospheric Air using Electrospun PVP- PVC Nanofibers with TEC Atmospheric Generator

Water scarcity is a worldwide problem. The need for freshwater is increasing as a result of many factors such as population growth, industrial development and climate change. Water treatment methods such as desalination process produce a good amount of water. However, it is costly, require large space and high amounts of energy especially in remote areas. So, alternative water resources, such as air water harvesting must be considered as a possible water source especially for hot and humid regions. In this paper, a prototype of air water generator was designed, built, and tested. The operation of the prototype is based on harvesting water from air using Peltier effect also known as thermoelectric cooling device [TEC]. The system was conducted under different conditions: ambient temperature [28 &29] °C, relative humidity [47, 59, 68, 75, 85, and 95] %. Two collecting surfaces were used, aluminium foil, and electrospun polyvinyl chloride [PVC] combined with polyvinylpyrrolidone [PVP] nanofiber. Based on the results obtained, it was found that using PVC-PVP nanofiber increased the amount of harvested water. At temperature 29°C and RH 95%, the prototype produced an average water of 104.94 mg/cm2.h using nanofiber, and only 89.44mg/cm2.h using aluminium foil surface. The nanofiber is hydrophobic, with water contact angle of 130.25°. The harvested water was tested for water quality. It is observed that most results comply with Jordanian Drinking Water Standards and World Health Organization. The chemical structures of the nanofibers was characterized by Fourier transform infrared [FTIR], Scanning electron microscopy [SEM] and water contact angle measurement method to determine the morphology and surface hydrophobicity of the nanofiber.

Open Access
Hydrogeochemical Study and Geospatial Analysis of Water Quality Using GIS based Water Index and Multivariate Statistics in Kombolcha City, Ethiopia

The study was carried out to evaluate hydro geochemistry and the risk of groundwater and surface water pollution in the Kombolcha area. To achieve this, hydrogeochemical analysis, water heavy metal, geospatial data analysis, ion ratio, correlation matrix, principal component analysis, Heavy metal Pollution Index (HPI), and Water Quality Index (WQI) methodologies were employed. A total of 36 samples (both water and effluent samples) had been collected and assessed for major physicochemical variables and heavy metals and samples were taken from hand dug wells, Borehole, springs, and rivers in the area. Hydrogeochemical methods showed groundwater mineralization due to (1) silicate weathering, (2) cation exchange processes, and (3) anthropogenic sources (i.e., contaminated discharge of sulphate, carbonate, and trace metal effluents). The study result revealed that major ions dominating the area are Ca2+ >Na+ > Mg2+ >K+, HCO3- >SO4 2- > Cl- > NO3-, and Fe> Mn >Pb> Cr> Cd for cations, anions and trace metals respectively with all heavy netals had mean concentrations above the WHO recommended limits. Calculated Pollution indices revealed 50.7% of the sample belongs to a low level of pollution, while 35% and 14.3% belong to a medium and high level of pollution respectively which consequently translating the area into high groundwater pollution zones. The correlation matrix revealed that no significant correlation exists between the water quality variables (Cl and NO3- with Fe, Pb, Cr, Mn, and Cd). PCA was applied on the data set to identify the spatial sources of pollution in groundwater and in the first principal component analysis, Mn, Fe, Cr, Pb, and Cd (in descending order) were found in amounts greater than 0.5, confirming that these metals were from anthropogenic sources. The combined assessments based on WQI and HPI, the study showed that water samples in the proximity of industrial sites are polluted by factories effluent and uncontrolled waste disposal due to urbanization.

Open Access
Global Trends in Astrobiology Research: Bibliometric and Visualization Studies

Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary scientific field composed of a range of subjects that have developed dramatically over the last few decades. However, there is little research on astrobiology from the perspectives of bibliometrics and visualization. The scientific research on the basic aspects of astrobiology itself is also rare. This study aims to comprehensively examine the astrobiology research field by conducting a bibliometric analysis if 1,848 publications between 2012 and 2021 from the Web of Science database. The findings showed that the USA, Germany, England and France are the most productive countries on astrobiology. Cockell, C S is the most influential author, and astrobiology researchers host universities are mainly from the USA, France and Germany. Articles appeared in 285 journals and were cited nearly 34300 times. Astronomy and astrophysics are the most preferred categories to publish based on Web of Science subject categories. The findings shows that field specialized journals were having publish high research as compared to multidisciplinary journals. Since the number of studies involved in this field has been found to be less, efforts should be undertaken to strengthen the research on astrobiology to explore the wide range of its applications. This article calls for greater engagements among researchers to more explicitly consider how their work might contribute to the understanding challenges in this field.

Open Access