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Rancang Bangun Sistem Manajemen Koleksi Elektronik Perpustakaan Berbasis Web

The rapid development of science and technology has given rise to what is known as the digital era, an era marked by the birth of a generation of digital natives. The birth of this era demands adaptive changes for every organization or institution including libraries in providing services to this 'new' generation. The library itself is currently inseparable and must be in line with the development of existing information technology so that it can carry out its role and function more optimally in providing the best service to users who are the digital generation. The Ciputra Surabaya University Library is a form of higher education library that is expected to be able to meet the needs of the teaching and learning process for its academic community and also carry out its functions in preserving culture and archives, as well as developing knowledge for the general public. Good collection management will make the library the main place for users to meet the desired information needs, this is because good collection management will make the collections contained in a library exactly according to the needs of users and of course this is in line with the increasing collections owned by the library. itself. Therefore a collection management strategy is needed by the Ciputra University Library in Surabaya. Based on the results of observations made by the author, it was found that there is an opportunity to develop a web-based library and museum collection management system design, making it easier and faster for users to access collection information at the Ciputra University Library in Surabaya.

Open Access
Urgensi Penerapan Automasi Perpustakaan Pada Perpustakaan Sekolah

(1) Libraries play an important role in all institutions, particularly schools. Libraries in schools exist and must serve as a driving force in realizing and creating the best learning environment possible. To support this, library management services must be revolutionized by developing or applying information technology. (2) Understanding the significance of putting in place an automated system in the school library. (3) The method for writing this article was developed through a review of the literature. (4) stated that there are six important reasons why library automation must be implemented, the first being demands on the number and quality of library services, the second being demands on shared use of collections, the third being demands to streamline human resources, the fourth being demands for time efficiency, the fifth being demands for accuracy information services, and the sixth being the diversity of information managed by the library. (5) The Industrial Revolution, which affected many fields, including school libraries, enabled better service and management. If you pay attention to the legal basis, needs, and rapidly developing technology, library acceleration, particularly good library management, can be carried out by any school library. Management, service, and information accessibility will be more effective and efficient for school library managers and users if the six reasons for the importance of implementing automation in libraries are considered.

Open Access
Perpustakaan Sebagai Public Relations dalam Mendukung Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

This research was conducted to offer a concept for the implementation of higher education libraries, where we know that the higher education library is one of the units whose existence is to support the implementation of education organized by tertiary institutions. The role and function of the library towards the Tri Dharma of Higher Education so far seems to be limping, that is because the new ones that are running support education and even then it is not optimal, while research and community service seem to be separated from the role of the library. Here the author offers that the management and organization of the library can pay attention to academic culture, what needs to be built is the academic cultural infrastructure and making Public Relations a strategic step in manipulating the habit of neglecting the library in the implementation of the Tri Dharma. The type of approach used is comparative qualitative with a qualitative approach. Data collection was used with data collection techniques in the form of articles, books, regulations, websites and other sources related to the problem under study. The collected data is studied by linking the phenomena that occur so as to give birth to an interpretation or view then arranged systematically so as to produce a view or concept that can be applied by managers in organizing libraries, especially in supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Open Access