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UV-Vis spectroscopy and one-class modeling for the authentication of the geographical origin of green coffee beans from Cerrado Mineiro, Brazil

Green coffee beans produced in the Cerrado Mineiro region have a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) certificate. This guarantees that its coffees are among Brazil's most appreciated and valued. This study aimed to develop an authentication method to characterize and differentiate coffee beans from this region. Ultraviolet-visible spectra of 130 green coffee bean samples were used for one-class modeling with SIMCA (soft independent modeling of class analogy), DD-SIMCA (data-driven SIMCA), and OCPLS (one-class partial least squares). Ordered predictors selection (OPS) variable selection was applied to simplify multivariate models and improve their performance. The interpretation of developed models was performed by evaluating the parameter modeling power for variables of SIMCA models. It was possible to assign the most predictive variables to trigonelline and chlorogenic acids as responsible for discriminating coffee beans from Cerrado Mineiro from coffee beans of their three main competitor regions: Caparaó, Mogiana, and Sul de Minas. Finally, methodologies as developed in this work, based on one-class modeling methods, can be proposed to authenticate other coffee-producing regions, food matrices, and agricultural products.

Cumulus-oocyte complexes from sows show differences in lipid metabolism compared to cumulus-oocyte complexes from prepubertal gilts during in vitro maturation.

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of donor age on lipid metabolism during in vitro maturation (IVM) of pigs cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). We evaluated transcript levels of genes, the percentage of ooplasm occupied by lipid droplets (LD) and evaluated DNA methylation in COCs from sows and prepubertal gilts. Transcript levels of six genes (ACACA, ACSS2, FASN, FABP3, SLC27A4, PLIN2), which were analyzed in cumulus cells (CCs), increased after 44 h of IVM in the sow group. In the gilt group, only FASN expression increased, while NR3C1 expression decreased after IVM. The measurement of LD in oocytes showed an accumulation of lipids in sow oocytes during IVM, while gilt oocytes showed a decrease in LD. FABP3 and NR3C1 methylation patterns exhibited a demethylation pattern in CCs and oocytes from gilts and sows and showed statistical differences between groups. CCs from sows had a better capacity to change transcription levels of the major genes involved in lipid metabolism during IVM than CCs from gilts. This difference may be involved in accumulation of lipids, acquisition of competence, and maturation of enclosed oocytes. Our results contribute to a better understanding of mechanisms involved in lipid metabolism and acquisition of competence in porcine COCs.

A Worrying Future for River Flows in the Brazilian Cerrado Provoked by Land Use and Climate Changes

In this study, we assessed the impacts of land use and climate changes on the river flows of 81 watersheds within the Cerrado biome, Brazil, based on a comprehensive analysis of field and secondary data acquired between 1985 and 2018. Complementarily, we projected a future deforestation and climate scenario up to 2050 and predicted their impacts on surface water in the study area. We observed that direct impacts by large-scale deforestation oriented to the production of irrigated agricultural commodities have more significantly impacted river flows than climate changes. We estimated an average decrease of 8.7% and 6.7% in the streamflow due to deforestation and climate changes, respectively. Most of the observed changes (56.7%) were due to land use and land cover changes and occurred in recent decades. Climate and land use and land cover changes combined were responsible for a total surface water reduction of −19,718 m³/s within the Cerrado watersheds. By assuming the current deforestation rates, we predicted a total water reduction of 23,653 m³/s by 2050, equivalent to a decrease of 33.9% of the river flows in the study region. It will cause severe streamflow discontinuity in many rivers and strongly affect agricultural, electric power production, biodiversity, and water supply, especially during dry seasons in that region.

Open Access
Collection and evaluation of semen collected from jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) through urethral catheterization and electroejaculation

Urethral catheterization (Zambelli method) is an alternative technique used for semen collection through electroejaculation. Results recorded for wild felids have shown its efficacy in ten felid species, despite the considerable variation between individuals and small number of samples in some studies. Given the innovative potential of the urethral catheterization technique, the aim of the present study was to evaluate this semen collection protocol followed by electroejaculation, applied to jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) and to compare it to electroejaculation, alone. Semen collections (n = 5) were carried out in males (n = 7). Semen was collected through urethral catheterization (UC), which was followed by electroejaculation (UC-EEJ, n = 3), or alternatively by electroejaculation (EEJ, n = 2) collections. The UC technique was effective in semen collection in 57 % of animals (n = 4, but none of the animals was able to provide semen in all collections. Results are expressed as mean± SD. Six semen samples were collected by UC within 18 collection trials-mean volume of 3.53 ± 0.69 µL was reached, but only one sample showed the necessary quality for the freezing procedure (vigor 3, 80 % motility and 88 % vitality). The other samples showed 1.86 ± 0.86 vigor, 21.32 ± 12.59 % motility and 27.6 ± 13.05 % vitality. It was not possible assessing samples’ semen concentrations due to their low volume. UC-EEJ and EEJ samples recorded vigor 3 ± 0.93 and 3.13 ± 0.67; motility 52.50 ± 25.36 % and 54.09 ± 20.47 %; and vitality 58.50 ± 24.50 % and 62.78 ± 16.28 %, respectively. These samples accounted for better qualitative parameters than UC samples, but they did not differ from each other. In conclusion, the UC technique was effective in semen collection, but the quality of samples collected through it did not meet the standards for cryopreservation; their values were lower than those of the two tested electroejaculation modalities.

Open Access

INTRODUCTION: Companion animals are susceptible to illnesses during life, and the prevalence may vary according to the characteristics of the animal and the region. Thus, studies of the main diseases in a given location favor clinical reasoning, diagnosis and treatment. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the main causes of clinical care for dogs and the main exams requested. METHODS: The clinical records of dogs treated at a veterinary clinic between 2019 and 2021 were evaluated. Data pertinent to the disease and the animal, such as species, breed, sex, age, weight, diagnosis, symptoms and exams, were collected from cats. All data were recorded and arranged in the Microsoft Office Excel program for tabulation and analysis. RESULTS: A total of 329 dogs were assisted, with the largest number of assistance being aimed at females. Among the characteristics of the animals, there was a higher prevalence of mixed race, adults and small. For the main illnesses presented by dogs, those originating from the gastrointestinal tract, integumentary alterations and musculoskeletal problems stand out. The main complementary exams requested were complete blood count, assessment of biochemical enzymes and ultrasonography. CONCLUSION: Dogs are commonly affected by gastrointestinal disorders, with complete blood count and routine examination being more frequently performed in patients.

Open Access

INTRODUCTION: The relationship between social skills and feelings of children in the school context has gained increasing relevance in the current scenario. The school period provides the student with a social interaction with the environment, different from that offered by the family. Thus, there is a need to discuss the role of education on social and emotional development in childhood. OBJECTIVE: To understand the feelings and social skills of children in the school context. METHODS: This is a qualitative, descriptive and field research, carried out at Escola Estadual Líbia Lassi Lopes, in Patrocínio/MG. Data collection was carried out through a semi-structured interview with parents or guardians, a play hour session, a method used by psychologists to get to know the child's reality, as it consists of analyzing drawings and stories made by the child. Afterwards, the drawings were evaluated using the content analysis technique. RESULTS: The results achieved make clear the innumerous social and emotional damages a child, with a fragile family nucleus, is exposed to. Besides, the consequences generated by children's anxiety, emotional and behavioral problems, which have been growing in the world scenario. CONCLUSION: The experience showed the importance of a stabilized family relationship, the consequences generated by the contemporary lifestyle. Thus, it becomes important to understand the need with children to work with children and guide schools about social and emotional skills, in addition to promoting awareness of the importance of these discussions.

Open Access

INTRODUCTION: The production of lettuce seedlings is one of the most important steps in the production system. The substrate used in the production of lettuce seedlings plays a key role, and the quality depends on its physical structure and chemical composition. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effects of different substrates on germination and development of Verônica variety lettuce seedlings. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in Seedling Nursery Vale Verde, located in the municipality of Patrocínio, state Minas Gerais, Brazil, average altitude of 945 meters, geographic coordinates 18°54'14.4" south latitude and 46°59'40.9" west longitude. For this experiment, polystyrene trays were used. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a factorial scheme 3 x 1 x 7, and 28 seeds per plot, being considered for evaluation 12 seedlings of each plot. The substrates used were: phenolic foam, coconut fiber and compost. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and, subsequently, the means of treatments were subjected to multiple comparison analysis, by Tukey's test. RESULTS: There was a highly significant difference for emergence speed index, root size, leaf size, and significant difference for number of leaves. Germination, dry mass and green mass, on the other hand, did not show any significant difference. CONCLUSION: The phenolic foam substrate provided greater speed of emergence. The new world composite and coconut fiber substrate features a greater number of leaves and root size. The largest leaves and consequently the accumulation of green mass and dry mass were obtained in seedlings cultivated in the coconut fiber substrate. KEYWORDS: : emergency; hardwood; source; transplant; nursery.

Open Access
Effects of a large wildfire on the community composition of medium and large mammals in a neotropical savannah

Background The Cerrado is a neotropical savannah with high mammalian diversity where wildfires are rather common and highly relevant to its ecological patterns and processes. The effects of fire on Cerrado mammals, however, are poorly understood. Aims We investigated the effects of an unplanned large wildfire (burned area ~66 000 ha) on medium and large mammals in a Cerrado area in Brazil, focusing on fire-driven changes in community composition up to 3 years after fire. Methods We evaluated burned and unburned sites before and after the wildfire, using 54 camera traps between 2017 and 2020. Total trap effort was 6334 days (unburned areas) and 7670 days (burned areas). Key results We recorded 25 species in burned and 19 in unburned areas. Fire markedly affected the community up to 3 years after burning. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated that herbivores (tapirs and pampas deer) were common in the burned areas, with an increase in the relative abundance of carnivores the second year after fire. Conclusions Community-level responses were complex, with guild-dependent changes and effects still detected 3 years after fire. Implications Management strategies that include patch mosaic burns (with areas unburned and burned 1 and 2 years earlier) could contribute to maintenance of local mammal diversity.
