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The work contains the results of the electromagnetic radiation at the location sites of the radio-engineering means for special purpose and the effect of this factor on health. The space – time dissemination appropriatenesses of the electromagnetic radiation of the circular scanning radar of Dalemir type and vertical scanning radar of Vysotomir type have been determined with the help of personal elaborations and modern methods of the investigation. It was established that a real energetic charge on the family members and civil population living in the military settlements is greater nearly by 20 fold than for specialists supplying the radio-engineering means. This category of the population is a contingent of the elevated risk. The results of the biological and hygienic studies fulfilled on the laboratory white rats testifies that the electromagnetic radiation of the radio-engineering means for special purpose in different periods of the experiment causes the changes in the indices of nervous system, biochemical process of the immune system, reproductive function. On the basis of the fulfilled study the following hygienic standards for the population have been recommended: for the circular scanning radars – 15 W/cm2 at 24 hours object radiation and – 40 W/cm2 at 8 hours object radiation, and for vertical scanning radar – 10 and 30 W/cm2 correspondently this. Other measures on the population health protection have been elaborated.

Open Access

The work is devoted to the study of hygienic aspects of automobile filling station location in rural areas in modern conditions in order to minimize the negative impact of AFS on health and living conditions of the population. A theoretical generalization of the world experience of gas station design and operation was made. New data on the current ecological and hygienic state of design (location) of modern gas stations in Ukraine and their impact on the environment, health and living conditions of the population. Based on the materials of the work, the hygienic criteria for placing gas stations and their classification have been improved. Classification conditions for the definition of sanitary protection zones for gas stations of different capacity have been developed, which allowed to improve the legal and information-methodological base on hygiene planning and development of settlements in the design of gas stations of different types and capacities and develop a new SPZ standard for gas stations and filling stations. On the basis of the conducted researches the differentiated approach is offered and the procedure of the decision of questions concerning placement of gas stations in the territory of settlements is developed.

Open Access

The purpose of the work is to substantiate the hygienic criteria of architectural and planning decisions of the educational space to ensure sanitary and epidemiological conditions of life of primary school students. Taking into account foreign experience. The conducted researches allowed: - to identify, in a retrospective analysis of the provision of the child population schools I, I-II, I-III degree, reducing the number of schools for 30 years by 30% and increasing the number of students only in the last three years by 323 thousand, which dramatically increased the burden on existing schools; - identify violations of the principle of proportionality of construction of new residential build-ings and the required number of schools for residents of new buildings, according to which new schools are not built, which leads to the use of schools located above the regulatory distance and causes their excess capacity; - to establish that in Ukraine the norm of the territory of school grounds for pupils of primary school age is 2-4 times less, than in other European countries; - to establish that sanitary normative distances between the educational institution and adjacent residential and public buildings were observed in 91% of rural school projects, while in urban ones only in 71%, which caused compaction of the settlement territory; - to determine in modern educational programs the absence of need in the territories of training-production and training-research zones (training grounds, research sites, greenhouses, geographical areas, etc.) and to recommend their use in sports, play and recreation zones in functioning schools; - to substantiate the need to take into account the territories of training and research and training and production areas in the design of specialized schools; - to determine that every third city school functioned with exceeding the normative indicator on class size by more than 23%, which leads to congestion of students and deterioration of sanitary and hygienic conditions and living conditions in schools; - to establish that the norms of natural air exchange during education are not observed and amount to 9 m3/h per child (if necessary 16 m3/h), which does not ensure air quality in the classroom and affects the deterioration of health and reduced efficiency of students; - to establish that for the implementation of the concept of a new Ukrainian school in the func-tioning schools there is a deficit of the area of the educational premises of the primary school in 16%; - to identify in the daily routine of students of grades 1-4 in 30% of cases the replacement of active motor games in the open air with activities with static mode ("sitting" mode) by increasing the duration of homework and attending extracurricular activities with extracurricular activities; - to establish the existence of close relationships between direct and indirect indicators of architectural and planning decisions, which are part of the formation of educational space, and the determinants of health of primary school students; - to substantiate a set of preventive measures and proposals for the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Regional Development in order to prevent the development of "school" occupational diseases of primary school students at the design stage of new and reconstruction of existing schools.

Open Access

Рurpose - analysis of the state of research on the influence of microbiological air pollution in residential and public premises Objects and methods - data from scientific journals, Internet resources; the analysis of topical issues of microbiological air pollution in residential and public premises was carried out. Research results and conclusions. The article examines the research of domestic and foreign authors over the past decade, which are devoted to the study of microbiological pollution (including spores, hyphae, bacterial components and mycotoxins) of indoor air for the development ofexacerbation of asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonia, bronchitis and various syndromes of diseases of the respiratory tract. The analysis of literature sources showed that the problem of microbiological safety of indoor air in residential and public premises in our country is given little attention, although in the world this problem is studied quite actively and is relevant today. The study of these important issues provides a basis for additional research to establish a cause-and-effect relationship and to substantiate the criteria for microbiological safety of indoor air and the development of preventive measures that can be considered for premises with high mycological air pollution and surfaces.

Open Access

Objective. Justify need to use the methodology of human health risk assessment to determine the size of sanitary protection zones for industrial enterprises (especially, I-II hazard classes). Materials and methods: sanitary protection zone of an industrial enterprise; mathematical modelling of air pollution; physical and chemical analysis methods of pollutants; human health risk assessment; cartographic methods using geographic information systems (GIS; ArcGis 10.0) and Earth remote sensing data (remote sensing; space images). Results. Improved understanding effectiveness of the human health risk assessment (HHRA) methodology used during the state sanitary and epidemiological examination of materials on the substantiation of the sanitary protection zones size for industrial enterprises. The human health risk has been assessed and the effectiveness of the developed and implemented management decisions on health and environmental issues has been demonstrated. The risk was reduced by almost 30 times compared to 2009 after environmental conservation measures (non-carcinogenic risk of chronic inhalation in 2009 for manganese and its compounds was HQ=15.3÷41.0; in 2012, HQ=1.1÷1.5). Priority and assessment of the contribution of individual emission sources (in %) to the total air pollution was additionally conducted and further phased implementation of environmental measures is recommended. This allowed to reduce the risk to the limit (allowable) indicators. Conclusions. Scientifically substantiated the need to study the patterns of distribution of potentially dangerous chemicals in the natural atmosphere and analyze the level of their concentration in the enterprise operation area (radius 40 heights of the largest pipe, m) at different distances in all directions of the world by rhumbs, taking into account territorial features (characteristics of land use, topographic and meteorological data) location of industrial facilities and residential areas. The necessity of HHRA implementation accelerating within the framework of arbitrary procedures through the support of cooperation in management decisions in the development and improvement of environmental and hygienic measures to reduce air pollution has been implemented.

Open Access

Objective. The objective was to study the formation of a list of NSD morbidity’ indicators informative for detection of the influence on health determinants. Materials and methods. The study was performed in several stages which were different in scale, objectives of study, methods of information processing. The first stage involved the analysis of information at the large area units’ level (in particular, regions). The second stage involved detailed resulting features, in particular, the definition of the informative indicators of the detection of influence on morbidity’ indicators. At the third stage materials we studied the materials on district’ level. The fourth stage was devoted to detail assessment of the impact of social and biomedical factors. The unit of observation was a children contingent. Results. The results have been performed on the first stage of work showed a significant impact of natural, social and anthropenic factors on the prevalence of NCD in population. On the second stage cardiovascular diseases were selected for more in-depth consideration. It was determined that socially controlled factors have the most influence on prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. Regarding the children population it was shown the greatest influence feature “air pollution” on the prevalence of overall morbidity’ indicators. Also it was determined the greatest influence of social factors on prevalence of considered classes and groups of diseases (in particular, unfavorable living conditions, early entry preschool age e.c.). Naturally it is very great influence of medical-biological factors for prevalence of the diseases in children population, first of all for diseases of digestive system, allergic diseases and diseases of genitourinary system. It means that these classes of diseases can be indicative, however for our opinion for performing preventive and health promotion measures among children population it is necessary to pay attention on factors that can be controlled by specialists and authorities. Conclusions. According to the first operational function of public health “Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets” the public health assessment, including NCD’ morbidity can’t be completed without considering health determinants. Our results allow us to emphasize the implementation of the first operative public health function should be carried out in several ways: 1) based on official statistical reports; based on social and hygienic monitoring data; based on the analysis of sample in-depth data. In all cases both the of health indicators list (particularly, NCD’ indicators) and list of influence factors will be different.

Open Access

The aim. Study of hematological parameters under conditions of combined action on the body of experimental animals. Subject and methods. The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the state of morphological elements of the blood. Hematological, statistical methods. Results. A two-month experiment was performed on white rats exposed to EMR at the levels of 100, 500 and 2500 μW/cm2 and acoustic noise of 85 dBA. The structure of the leukogram changed due to changes in the absolute number of leukocytes (increase), lymphocytes (decrease), monocytes (decrease) and granulocytes (decrease). Since lymphocytes belong to immunocompetent cells and assessing the nature of their changes during 60 days of the experiment, we can assume that there is an increase in regenerative processes in the lymphocyte population and activation of the immune system by damaging factor, followed by gradual depletion of compensatory mechanisms and suppression of suppressor mechanisms. Decreased hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes may indicate low blood O2 saturation and the development of anemia, with the subsequent development of dysfunction of all organs and systems of the body. Conclusions. The nature of changes in hematological parameters during the experiment may be a manifestation of mobilization of functional systems and the formation of adaptive responses aimed at maintaining the stability of homeostasis in the studied factors with possible prolongation of their further disruption, suppression of regenerative processes in the blood and depletion of compensators, or the development of various reparation reactions that provide protective - restorative functional systems to maintain the dynamic balance of the organism with the environment.

Open Access

Objective: on the basis of dynamic observations to assess changes in the physical development of preschool children in Kyiv, and to develop standardized indicators. Research methods: hygienic, physiological, anthropometric, statistical. Object of study - preschool children in Kyiv, both sexes, aged 5 years; indicators of physical development, scientific literature. In order to assess the dynamics of the physical development of preschool children, to develop standardized indicators, using anthropometric, physiological and hygienic research methods, we studied the morphological and functional indicators of physical development of 278 modern preschoolers in Kyiv. Results: it is proved that modern children of 5 years of age in comparison with their peers in 1912, 1962 and 2005 have a narrower chest, ie more prone to asthenic body structure, which is especially pronounced among girls. It is also impossible to exclude the beginning of the slowing down of acceleration processes in both sex and age groups, and given the data of physical development of girls, even in the future the tendency to stagnation of physical development. Thus, there is a sexual differentiation of the growth processes of children of five years of age, as evidenced by significant differences in the morphological, functional and anthropometric characteristics of preschoolers, but different rates of their physical development are noted.

Open Access

Objective. Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the conditions of safe operation of enterprises using equipment for thermal disposal / waste disposal. Materials and methods. The objects of research were enterprises where waste is subjected to thermal disposal/utilization (location of production facilities – Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions). To conduct a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the levels of impact created at the border of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of production, the results of instrumental studies of air samples, acoustic measurements, and the results of calculating the scattering of gross pollutant emissions from their emission sources were analyzed. form the total gross emission at the industrial site (research protocols were provided by certified laboratories), as well as regulatory and technical documentation, according to which the company operates. Results. The main processes that determine the hazard class of enterprises are thermal, namely: disposal of hazardous waste at the installation for thermal disposal (utilizer) type UT3000D and processing (utilization) of rubber products by pyrolysis at the unit UE GTV MTD-5/24. The utilizer includes a combustion chamber of exhaust gases at a temperature up to 1300˚C and is equipped with a two-stage system for their purification. Shredded rubber-containing waste is pyrolyzed at a temperature of 450°C without access of oxygen with the formation of secondary waste (carbon residue, metal cord residues, gas fraction, which is burned in the main chamber, furnace fuel), which are transferred to consumers on contractual terms. As in the classification of productions [2] such enterprises are absent, SPZ for the enterprise with the utilizer UT3000D is defined in the size of 500 m by analogy with garbage incineration, for the enterprise where pyrolysis is applied - SPZ is established at the size of 110 m (on the border of the nearest inhabited building). According to the results of field research, no exceedances of the normative indicators were detected for any pollutant at the border of the SPZ. Conclusions. The conditions for the operation of enterprises are not exceeding the hygienic regulations of the permissible content of chemicals in the air of settlements [3] and ensuring the regulatory level of acoustic impact at the SPZ in accordance with the requirements [2,4], compliance with technological regulations on waste management, safety rules and use of overalls, footwear and personal protective equipment when working with hazardous waste, as well as determining the hazard class of secondary waste generated in the process of thermal disposal / utilization.

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