
Objective. Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the conditions of safe operation of enterprises using equipment for thermal disposal / waste disposal. Materials and methods. The objects of research were enterprises where waste is subjected to thermal disposal/utilization (location of production facilities – Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions). To conduct a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the levels of impact created at the border of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of production, the results of instrumental studies of air samples, acoustic measurements, and the results of calculating the scattering of gross pollutant emissions from their emission sources were analyzed. form the total gross emission at the industrial site (research protocols were provided by certified laboratories), as well as regulatory and technical documentation, according to which the company operates. Results. The main processes that determine the hazard class of enterprises are thermal, namely: disposal of hazardous waste at the installation for thermal disposal (utilizer) type UT3000D and processing (utilization) of rubber products by pyrolysis at the unit UE GTV MTD-5/24. The utilizer includes a combustion chamber of exhaust gases at a temperature up to 1300˚C and is equipped with a two-stage system for their purification. Shredded rubber-containing waste is pyrolyzed at a temperature of 450°C without access of oxygen with the formation of secondary waste (carbon residue, metal cord residues, gas fraction, which is burned in the main chamber, furnace fuel), which are transferred to consumers on contractual terms. As in the classification of productions [2] such enterprises are absent, SPZ for the enterprise with the utilizer UT3000D is defined in the size of 500 m by analogy with garbage incineration, for the enterprise where pyrolysis is applied - SPZ is established at the size of 110 m (on the border of the nearest inhabited building). According to the results of field research, no exceedances of the normative indicators were detected for any pollutant at the border of the SPZ. Conclusions. The conditions for the operation of enterprises are not exceeding the hygienic regulations of the permissible content of chemicals in the air of settlements [3] and ensuring the regulatory level of acoustic impact at the SPZ in accordance with the requirements [2,4], compliance with technological regulations on waste management, safety rules and use of overalls, footwear and personal protective equipment when working with hazardous waste, as well as determining the hazard class of secondary waste generated in the process of thermal disposal / utilization.

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