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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical activity during the lockdown in North France: A single center experience.

e13594 Background: During the French COVID-19 pandemic, clinical activity for cancer care has declined and modified the management of patients in cancer institute. France has imposed two national lockdowns of the population (from March 17 to May 11 and from October 30 to December 15 2020). We evaluate the impact of the lockdown period in North France on clinical activity. Methods: We measured and compared key-indicators of clinical activity between different periods: 2019 versus 2020; before and during the first and second lockdown. Results are given as percentage of changes with 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: The comparative analysis between 2019 and 2020 showed that most clinical activities except hospitalizations (-0.0% [-0.2; +0.1%] has changed. There was a significant increase in overall treated patients (+0.4% [+0.3; +0.5], telemedicine +99.9% [+99.4; +99.7], MRI (+8.8% [+8.2; +9.5], ambulatory chemotherapy (+3.5% [+3.3; +3.8]), number of chemotherapies prepared (+2.0 [+.1.9; +2.2]) and admission in palliative care unit (+15.3%, [+10.8; +19.8]). On the contrary, a significant decrease in treated patients aged > 65 years old (-6.4% [-6.9; -5.9]), incidence rate (-3.1% [-3.6; -2.7]), multidisciplinary team meeting on patient assessment (-3.1% [-3.5;-2.5]), pathology reports (-2.9% (-3.3;-2.6]), radiotherapy (-4.6% [-4.7;-4.4]) and surgery (-6.7% [-7.4;-5.6]) were observed. In 2020, before and during the first lockdown all key-indicators declined except telemedicine (+40,400%) and admission in palliative care unit (+35.5% [+31.0-+49.7]). During the first lockdown, key-indicators decreased from -63.0% [-70.3-59.2] for outpatient visits to -5.1% [-7.0-3.8] for chemotherapy. The impact caused by the second lockdown was non-significant compared to the first one since all key-indicators has increased during the second lockdown: from +23.8% [+22.2; +25.5] for radiotherapy to +76.6% [+72.5; +79.5] for the management of new cases. Conclusions: Dramatic changes occurred in 2020 during the COVID-19-related lockdown compared to 2019. An Increase in chemotherapy treatment and admission on palliative care unit and a decrease in surgery and radiotherapy strongly suggests that the clinical activity was changed in 2020 compared to 2019. This was in line with the reduction of cancer screening in 2020. The impact of the first lockdown on clinical activities was higher compared to the second one. These observations should be investigated further in order to better understand the effects of a pandemic-related lockdown on cancer care.

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Experimental ultrasonic characterization of polyester-based materials for cultural heritage applications

For several years, the Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand-Palais has produced polyester resin reproductions in order to replace marble sculptures that have weakened by outdoor exposure. These objects are made of a complex multilayered polyester composite material including reinforcements to ensure the mechanical strength of the final structure and mineral fillers that allow to imitate the original aesthetics. However, the final structure also weakens because of constant outdoor exposure and ageing. This observation leads today to conduct research related to the structural health monitoring of reproductions for preventive conservation of cultural heritage. This paper presents a nondestructive technique to study the properties of the composite material used to produce reproductions of marble sculptures. Firstly, classical ultrasonic contact measurements were performed to estimate bulk properties and Rayleigh wave velocity. Secondly, experimental Rayleigh wave was measured using contact and laser vibrometry methods. The results show the potential of using ultrasonic surface wave propagation and laser vibrometry method to develop a minimum contact technique to study these polyester-based materials. The maximum relative uncertainty with respect to the expected theoretical Rayleigh wave velocity was close to 12%.

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Inhibition of the NF-κB survival pathway via caspase-dependent cleavage of the IKK complex scaffold protein and NF-κB essential modulator NEMO

Apoptosis is mediated by cysteine-dependent, aspartate-directed proteases of the caspase family that proteolyse strategic intracellular substrates to induce cell suicide. We describe here that engagement of apoptotic processes by Fas triggering or by staurosporine stimulation leads to the caspase-dependent inactivation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) pathway after cleavage of IKK1 (IkappaB kinase 1) and NEMO (NF-kappaB essential modulator), which are needed to transduce NF-kappaB activation signals. In this study, we have analyzed in more detail, the role of NEMO cleavage, as NEMO, but not IKK1, is important for the pro-survival actions of NF-kappaB. We demonstrate that NEMO is cleaved after Asp355 to remove the last 64 C-terminal amino acids. This short form was unable to rescue NF-kappaB activation by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) when transfected in NEMO-deficient cells. Consequently, inactivation of NEMO resulted in an inhibition of the expression of antiapoptotic NF-kappaB-target genes coding for caspase inhibitors (cIAP-1, cIAP-2) or adaptors of the TNF receptor family. NEMO-deficient Jurkat cells transiently expressing a non-cleavable mutant of NEMO were less sensitive to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. Therefore, downmodulation of NF-kappaB activation via the proteolytic cleavage of NEMO could represent an amplification loop for apoptosis.

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