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Railway Network, Industrialization, and Development of Langsa, Aceh in 1907—1943

This study aims to reveal the railway networks, industrialization, and development of Langsa, Aceh in 1907-1943s. In the early 1900s, Langsa was designed as a Government Center and a new economic center on the East Coast of Aceh. However, Langsa was not yet connected to the railway networks, so it was necessary to build a railway line as one of the supporting infrastructures. The construction of the railway networks changed many things, ranging from urban landscape, economy, politics, to socio-culture. To pursue the aim of this study, historical methods consisted of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography were applied. The sources used were colonial archives, contemporary newspapers, contemporary magazines, and other relevant sources. This study found that the construction of the railway networks in Langsa was part of the Dutch colonial government's strategy to maximize economic benefits in the eastern coastal region of Aceh by building connectivity from the North and South regions. The development of the railway networks also had an impact on the growth of the economy, the mobilization of a dynamic population, the growth of good infrastructure for travelers, facilitating communication networks, to encourage the emergence of various types of new professions. However, the construction of the railway networks played a role in environmental damage in the eastern coastal region of Aceh as well as gave insignificant impact on the development of Aceh's indigenous human resources.

Open Access
Sulianti Saroso’s Thoughts on Maternal Reproductive Health in Indonesia 1950—1961

This research aims to discuss Sulianti Saroso as one of the important figures in the development of maternal reproductive health in Indonesia. Specifically, this research is focused on the period 1950-1961 based on Sulianti Saroso's many ideas related to maternal reproductive health which she pioneered while serving as Head of the Maternal and Child Welfare in Indonesia during that period. To understand her thoughts, the author used several primary sources in the form of ego documents including the memoirs of Sulianti Saroso's first child, the archives of Sulianti's biography that she wrote herself, as well as the archives of Sulaiman’s biography. To support this research, the author also used her interviews’s archives from Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper as well as some newspapers from the National Library of Indonesia, Solo Press Museum, and Dhelper. Meanwhile, for data analysis, the author used five stages of historical research, namely topic selection, source collection, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the analysis then highlighted that as a figure who represents intellectual women, Sulianti's thoughts have a major contribution relevant to the development of maternal reproductive health in Indonesia. In conclusion, Sulianti Saroso can be considered as a significant figure in Indonesian health development.

Open Access
Sexuality in Usada Rukmini Tatwa Lontar in Balinese Society

This study aims to understand the structure, content, and aspects of sexuality based on patriarchal ideology in Lontar Usada Rukmini Tatwa, considered as a cultural text. Thus, to pursue the aim of this study, critical discourse analysis was applied to analyze the text since this analysis technique could deconstruct, interpret, and read cultural texts. The lontar's contents then were analyzed through the following steps, namely conceptualization, conceptualization results, proof, and objectivation. The results of the analysis showed that the structure of the lontar consists of the opening, introduction, content, and the space and time of writing. The results also revealed that the lontar contains recipes for women's beauty and health, husband's courage, sperm health maintenance, and ways to have children for married couples. The contents of the lontars are legitimized religiously and magically so that people believe more in their efficacy. And, it is also found that the contents of this lontar are dominated by erotic and reproductive sexuality discourses based on patriarchal ideology associated with Hinduism. This is symbolized through the phallus as a medium to control women. In conclusion, Lontar Usada Rukmini Tatwa can not only be referred to as an erotic and reproductive sexuality cultural text, but also an ideological cultural text based on Hinduism.

Open Access
Adaptation of Popular Names of Ornamental Plants in Indonesia

This article explores the phenomenon of popular names for ornamental plants in Indonesia, emphasizing their role as both identifiers and representations of economic value. The popularity of these names is categorized based on their alignment (or lack thereof) with different parts of the ornamental plants. Employing a descriptive linguistic approach, the reference attributes of popular names are systematically grouped, followed by an image search and identification of their biological counterparts. The study also traces the elements contributing to the formation of names and their lexical meanings, incorporating both internal and external equivalents. Interviews with traders and collectors further support the meaning search, employing directional techniques and documenting substantive ethnographic patterns. A total of 85 names were collected from ornamental plant traders and collectors, supplemented by data from specialized YouTube channels. These popular names are further classified into nine categories based on plant attributes, such as structure (stalks, leaves, stems, and flowers), time, character, place, sound, and direction. The diversity in plant naming correlates with a complexity that extends beyond language, namely social class, selling price, and aesthetic considerations. Additionally, the naming process revolves around human preferences for convenience, practicality, and cultural phenomena. Changes in the naming of ornamental plants in Indonesia have substantial implications for shifting trends in people's preferences, as evidenced by the dimming landscape of post-pandemic YouTube channels and the ornamental plant market.

Open Access