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Halal Product Assurance at Traditional Markets in Luwu Raya Based on Halal Supply Chain Traceability

The purpose of this study is to explore halal products in the Greater Luwu Market using halal supply chain treacebilit. the research intends to develop practical guidelines and recommendations for market operators and regulators to implement and maintain Halal assurance systems effectively. Ultimately, the goal is to promote consumer confidence in Halal products available in these traditional markets and contribute to the broader objective of standardizing Halal practices in the region. This study uses qualitative research by collecting data in the form of random interviews with economic actors of producers, distribution, and consumers in the Greater Luwu market. The results of the study found that first there are three sources of supply of goods or commodities in the Greater Luwu Market, namely outside the city , collectors of goods and land products themselves. Secondly, the application of halal awareness indirectly in the Greater Luwu community, which in fact is mostly Muslim, makes halal supply management in the Greater Luwu market run according to the provisions even though there is no specific tool to detect supply, so that the availability of halal food ingredients in the Greater Luwu market can be said to be easy to find and still dominant.

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Open Access
Analysis of The Interaction of Monetary Policy and Islamic Investment Towards Indonesia's Economic Growth

Economic growth is the main measure of development success, and the results of economic growth will be enjoyed by the community either by itself or with government intervention. Economic growth is an important indicator in the real sector. The interaction between monetary policy and sharia investment in influencing Indonesia's economic growth is the main focus of this study. This study aims to analyze the effect of the interaction of monetary policy (interest rates, exchange rates and money supply) and the interaction of sharia investment (sukuk, sharia stocks, sharia mutual funds) on Indonesia's economic growth for the period 2000-2022. This type of research is quantitative research using time series data from secondary data with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis method with the help of Eviews software. The results of this study indicate that the variables of short-term interest rates, SUKUK, sharia stocks, sharia mutual funds have a positive and significant effect on economic growth, while the rupiah exchange rate (KURS), the amount of money in circulation on economic growth show a negative and insignificant effect. The variables of long-term interest rates, rupiah exchange rates or KURS, the amount of money in circulation SUKUK, sharia stocks, mutual funds have a positive and significant effect on economic growth

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Open Access
The Influence of Perceived Convenience and Use of E-Banking on Utilization of Syari'ah E-Banking Services

The rapid development of technology encourages banking services to provide e-banking services. This study aims to investigate the influence of perceived ease and use of e-banking on the utilization of Islamic e-banking. The utilization of Islamic e-banking services among students has not been widely studied, so it is important to understand the factors that influenced it. The study used a quantitative approach with a survey method on 210 UMSIDA and UNISBA students who actively use Islamic e-banking. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 22 analysis. The results showed that the perceived convenience and use of e-banking had a significant effect on the utilization of Islamic e-banking services. These findings can assist Islamic banking institutions in developing more effective strategies to attract and retain students as users of their services. This research also provides a scientific contribution in the field of Islamic banking and marketing studies, and can be a reference for future research on the utilization of Islamic e-banking services among university students. This research also indicates that the perceived ease and use of E-Banking are crucial factors in increasing the utilisation of Islamic E-Banking services.

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Open Access
Sharia Economic Law Criticism on Muhammad Syahrûr’s Hudûd Theory Regarding Bank Interes

n modern economics applied by conventional financial institutions, the interest system is inseparable. Economic system based on sharia principles emerged as a solution to riba-based (usury-based) transactional activities, which in sharia economic law is in the khilafiyyah (dissent) territory amongst scholars regarding whether the conventional bank interest is riba which is prohibited by Islamic law. A figure named Muhammad Syahrûr came up and offered his theory of limits (nazhariyyah al-hudûd) in providing riba limitations in the Quran. This research aims to describe M. Syahrûr's thoughts on bank interest based on his theory of limits, and to analyze it based on the review of sharia economic law (fiqh muamalah mâliyyah). this reseach is understood as a literary study research which is a research on secondary materials. The type of data used in this research is secondary data, which is literature focusing on the thoughts of a figure, which is Muhammad Syahrûr.The result of the research shows that Muhammad Syahrûr's opininion that allows the practice of bank interest based on his theory of limits (nazhariyyah al-hudûd) is a marjûh (weak) opinion, since it is not supported by valid arguments and it also contradicts the opinions of the jumhur ulama (the majority of the scholars).

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Open Access
The Influence of Leadership and Work Environment on Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction

Globalization in the 5.0 era advances technology in communication and information, impacting human resources, services, and education. Lecturers, crucial for educational progress and higher education quality, engage in teaching, research, community service, and other key tasks. Quality education requires universities to develop standards for lecturer performance, influenced by leadership, work environment, and job satisfaction. Lecturer performance reflects the competence and progress of higher education institutions. Poor understanding of competence in lecturer performance lowers lecturers' societal standing, reducing education quality. So comprehensive and efficient modeling with analysis is needed Partial Least Square (PLS). The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of leadership and work environment on lecturer performance through job satisfaction. This research was conducted at the Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro University with respondents 58 permanent lecturers who had academic positions as expert assistants and lecturers using Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results show that the work environment has a significant effect on job satisfaction and lecturer performance. Other variables not contained in the research model, explain leadership, work environment, and job satisfaction by 34.2% such as work motivation, competency, organizational culture, and commitment variables.

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Open Access