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The Manifestations of Mass

The existence of visible and dark matter, and the continued direct undetectability of dark matter, necessitates a theoretical investigation into the nature of inertial mass that constitutes visible and dark matter. It is proposed that inertial mass is manifested dually: materially, as extrinsic inertial mass and immaterially, as intrinsic inertial mass. Visible matter experiences inertia when accelerated because the applied real force on the material extrinsic manifestation of inertial mass is not cancelled by the equal and opposite inertial pseudo force on the immaterial intrinsic manifestation of inertial mass. It is also proposed that all visible matter experience inertia all the time in cosmological acceleration, because spacetime real force on extrinsic inertial mass is not cancelled by the inertial pseudo force on intrinsic inertial mass. Visible matter in gravitational freefall does not experiencing inertia because inertial pseudo force associated with intrinsic inertial mass is cancelled by the pseudo-like gravitational force associated with gravitational mass. Immaterial intrinsic inertial mass also exists independently as intrinsic inertial mass objects, which are in cosmological freefall and do not experience inertia, because of cancellation between spacetime pseudo-like force and inertial pseudo force on intrinsic inertial mass. Immaterial intrinsic inertial mass objects in cosmological freefall are the dark matter in the universe.

Open Access
Analyzing Emerging Environmental Issues in Major Areas: The Case of Lagos in South West Nigeria

A change in approach in the theory of Relativistic Electromagnetic Fields, introduced by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 and the theory of “Electric-Magnetic / Space-Time” conversions by Einstein-Lorentz-Minkovski in 1905 in the theory of Special Relativity (specially described by the Lorentz-Transformations) and the Theory of General Relativity (GTR) by Albert Einstein in 1915 has been presented in this article. What is known in Astrophysics has originally been based on the fundamental knowledge of the classical Electromagnetic theories of James Clerk Maxwell and the famous Theory of General Relativity by Albert Einstein. Electromagnetic radiation and in specific light has always been the carrier for this information. That is a fundamental problem. Because what do we really know about light? When James Maxwell published his famous set of 4 electromagnetic equations, the Maxwell equations, he did not built his theory on a logical fundament. His foundation was not logical at all. Why would a set of 4 electromagnetic equations which are correct at low frequencies describe a physical phenomenon like the propagation of light with a speed that at that time had never been measured before? Since then nobody ever doubted about the correctness of the theories of Maxwell. The success of his predictions made Maxwell famous. But fame is not a ground for fundamental science.

Open Access
Replicating Pulsar Behaviour to Create a Future Space Propulsor

Binary pulsars demonstrate unusual gravitational behaviour that is a careful balance between the type of orbit, companion star and neutron star weights, and neutron star spin rate. Some binary pulsars are believed to have the same weight for both stars moving in a highly elliptical orbit while some binaries with vast weight differences, are in near-circular orbits. This is counterintuitive and may lie outside of the conventional wisdom. Each neutron star in these binary systems spins at different rates, implying that rotation per Winterberg’s conjecture may induce a repulsive gravitational source analogous to generating negative matter that can negate inertial effects. Moreover, swirling jets leaving black holes imply that these jets may move either at greater than light speed or also become a repulsive gravitational source. Interactions between the pulsar binary’s two bodies and behaviour of two of Jupiter’s moons may also validate notions from Jefimenko, who claims that gravity induces angular momentum. If true, these findings show that a significant relationship exists between gravity and angular momentum as well as suggest angular momentum may result in linear momentum after going through an intermediate step to produce repulsive gravitation. Furthermore, these capabilities may be the prerequisites to devise future star ship propulsion drives to explore the cosmos.

Open Access