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Nanoparticle transport phenomena in confined flows.

Nanoparticles submerged in confined flow fields occur in several technological applications involving heat and mass transfer in nanoscale systems. Describing the transport with nanoparticles in confined flows poses additional challenges due to the coupling between the thermal effects and fluid forces. Here, we focus on the relevant literature related to Brownian motion, hydrodynamic interactions and transport associated with nanoparticles in confined flows. We review the literature on the several techniques that are based on the principles of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and computational fluid dynamics in order to simultaneously preserve the fluctuation-dissipation relationship and the prevailing hydrodynamic correlations. Through a review of select examples, we discuss the treatments of the temporal dynamics from the colloidal scales to the molecular scales pertaining to nanoscale fluid dynamics and heat transfer. As evident from this review, there, indeed has been little progress made in regard to the accurate modeling of heat transport in nanofluids flowing in confined geometries such as tubes. Therefore the associated mechanisms with such processes remain unexplained. This review has revealed that the information available in open literature on the transport properties of nanofluids is often contradictory and confusing. It has been very difficult to draw definitive conclusions. The quality of work reported on this topic is non-uniform. A significant portion of this review pertains to the treatment of the fluid dynamic aspects of the nanoparticle transport problem. By simultaneously treating the energy transport in ways discussed in this review as related to momentum transport, the ultimate goal of understanding nanoscale heat transport in confined flows may be achieved.

Chapter Four - Recent Advances in Vapor Chamber Transport Characterization for High-Heat-Flux Applications

Abstract Owing to their high reliability, simplicity of manufacture, passive operation, and effective heat transport, flat heat pipes and vapor chambers are used extensively in the thermal management of electronic devices. The need for concurrent size, weight, and performance improvements in high-performance electronics systems, without resort to active liquid-cooling strategies, demands passive heat-spreading technologies that can dissipate extremely high heat fluxes from small hot spots. In response to these daunting application-driven trends, a number of recent investigations have focused on the design, characterization, and fabrication of ultrathin vapor chambers for proximate heat spreading away from these hot spots. The predominant transport mechanisms and operational limits have been found to be different under these conditions relative to conventional low-power heat pipes. Noteworthy advances in the fundamental understanding of evaporation and boiling from porous microstructures fed by capillary action and improvements in vapor chamber characterization, modeling, design, and fabrication techniques are reviewed. Characterization of evaporation and boiling from idealized and realistic wick structures, observation of vapor formation regimes as a function of operating conditions, assessment of fluid dryout limitations, design of novel multiscale and nanostructured wicks for enhanced transport, and incorporation of these high-heat-flux transport phenomena into device-level models are discussed. These recent developments have successfully extended the maximum operating heat flux limits of vapor chambers.

Chapter Three - Technology Evolution, from the Constructal Law

The constructal law of design evolution is the law of physics that expresses the natural tendency of all flow systems, bio and nonbio, to morph into configurations that provide greater flow access over time. River basins, animal locomotion and migratory routes, snowflakes, and turbulence structure illustrate this tendency of design occurrence and evolution over time. The movement and persistence of human life on the landscape (people, goods, construction, and mining) also evolves in accord with the constructal law. Each of us belongs to the “human and machine” species, the evolving design that is better known as technology evolution. In this chapter, I illustrate the technology evolution phenomenon by showing that larger flow components (organs) belong on larger vehicles and animals and that the time arrow of the constructal law points toward smaller sizes over time (miniaturization). This evolutionary direction is further illustrated by the evolution of cooling technology for high-density heat transfer, from natural convection to forced convection and pure conduction, Fourier and non-Fourier. Tree-shaped flow architectures emerged from the same constructal-law tendency when the flow connects one point with an infinity of points (area and volume). At bottom, all technology evolution is about facilitating the movement of the human and machine species on the world's map. This is why the more advanced groups consume proportionally more fuel and why both wealth and fuel consumption continue to rise naturally.
