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Isu Bahasa Melayu di Johor dalam Akhbar Lembaga Malaya sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua

Penulisan ini membincangkan isu bahasa Melayu sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua dengan meletakkan fokus kepada Lembaga Malaya. Sebagai sebuah akhbar yang banyak melontarkan gagasan dan pandangan terhadap isu bahasa Melayu, penerbitnya berasa bertanggungjawab untuk menyeru masyarakat tempatan supaya mengangkat semula martabat kedudukan bahasa ini setelah wujudnya bahasa asing yang dibawa oleh pihak kolonial sehingga menghakis kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa utama. Perkembangan bahasa Melayu sebelum kedatangan kolonial British diberikan tumpuan pada awal perbincangan sebelum perbincangan difokuskan secara menyeluruh tentang perjuangan Lembaga Malaya dalam usahanya mengangkat semula bahasa Melayu. Penulisan ini menggunakan kaedah analisis deskriptif terhadap akhbar Lembaga Malaya dandisokong oleh sumber lain, terutamanya sumber pertama dan sumber kedua. Beberapa data statistik tentang topik tertentu juga turut dimasukkan. Skop masa dan tempat perbincangan topik hanya meliputi peristiwa dan perkembangan dari kurun ke-20 sehingga sebelum tercetusnya Perang Dunia Kedua. Zaman tersebut memperlihatkan pertumbuhan yang ketara dalam bidang penulisan dan penerbitan akhbar dan majalah dalam kalangan masyarakat tempatan Johor. Berbekalkan matlamat tersendiri dan tumpuan terhadap negeri Johor, iaitu tempat lahirnya penerbitan akhbar Lembaga Malaya, makalah ini memuatkan dasar dan langkah yang dirancang oleh pihak British untuk menghakis kedudukan bahasa Melayu di Malaya. Makalah ini juga memperihalkan seruan dan laungan untuk mempertahankan martabat bahasa Melayu di Johor dan seterusnya meneliti perjuangan Lembaga Malaya dalam isu berkaitan dengan bahasa Melayu. Penulisan ini juga memberikan gambaran tentang peranan Lembaga Malaya untuk mempertahankan dan memartabatkan bahasa Melayu sehingga memperlihatkan hasilnya.

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Open Access
The Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation and Its Impact on Penang Port, 1963-1966

The relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia had already shown conflict since before the confrontation, or konfrontasi. However, after the proposal for the formation of Malaysia was first announced by Tunku Abdul Rahman, the then-Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya, the relationship between the two countries experienced a period of significant and prominent conflict. This study discusses the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation and its impact on Penang Port from 1963 to 1966. This study was conducted using qualitative method, specifically the analysis of documents and manuscripts. The references used are primary sources comprising British records and Malaysian official records, while the secondary sources comprise journals, articles, scholarly books, newspapers, and magazines. The economic relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia was severely damaged during the confrontation. The number of imports and exports involving Indonesia at the Penang Port decreased drastically, but did not stop during the confrontation. Nonetheless, upon comparing the overall growth value of trade at Penang Port during the confrontation, the decrease in the amount of trade that occurred between Indonesia and Penang Port was not very significant. Also, this decrease was not mainly caused by the confrontation, but by the sudden drop in iron ore exports. In conclusion, the slight decrease in the total trade at Penang Port during the confrontation was not solely caused by the confrontation itself and the impact on the whole trade performance at Penang Port in the said period was not that significant.

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Open Access
Narrative Tourism: A Study of The Potential of Folklore as a Source of Tourism in Perak and Sarawak

Nowadays, the tourism industry is seen to be growing, within which cultural tourism plays its own role in generating a country’s income. The practice of tourists travelling to certain locations to experience and learn about cultural differences is known as cultural tourism. When it comes to cultural tourism, the narrative experience is a vital component for tourists to appreciate the main attraction, therefore, making it narrative tourism. In Malaysia, narrative tourism is still underutilised, and there is limited research in this area. Thus, this article discusses how narrative tourism can be explored in two tourist destinations in Malaysia, namely Pulau Pangkor in Perak and Gunung santubong in sarawak. The first finding shows that there is no constructive effort to recognise narrative as a tourism resource for Pulau Pangkor, particularly with regard to the story of the hero, Din Ketolok, as well as a few other monuments that are believed to embody their own meaning and event. Meanwhile, the finding on Gunung santubong shows that it already has a significant narrative of the battle between the Princesses santubong and sejinjang, who were ultimately cursed by the King to become mountains. However, its jungle trek to the mountain peak is not a cultural route, which perhaps would be disappointing to tourists who are interested in cultural routes. nonetheless, with due work and effort, it could become more exploratory and intriguing as a narrative tourism destination. This study shows how stories can transform both locations into suitable destinations for narrative tourism in order to flourish in cultural tourism. To achieve this, narrative tourism requires special attention from the tourism industry authorities.

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Open Access