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The development of computer technology and information systems at this time has experienced a very rapid increase, which is in line with the community's need for information. Today's society tends to be fast in following the flow of technological developments demands the availability of fast, precise and accurate information. Every agency, good government and private agencies definitely need an information system that is capable of support its performance to obtain and produce information in a more efficient way effective and efficient. One example of technology that is currently developing is system technology security. At SMK Komputama Majenang itself already has CCTV at several points and security as a form of security in schools. But the security system at SMK Komputama Majenang still cannot be said to be strong. Because if you only rely on security, the room security itself is far from several rooms that are considered vital. From the problems that occurred, then the author can provide a solution to the need for a tool that can work simply yet effective for meeting the human need for room security monitors and the need for a tool that can provide early warning when a hazard occurs crime. Based on the discussion that has been carried out in the previous chapters, it can be Several conclusions were drawn, namely with this security system it can prevent actions crime early, with the existence of a magnetic sensor-based door security system.

Open Access

The existence of the moneylender more exist until now,this is evidenced by the fact that 70 % of SMEs caught on moneylenders. Such a practice is clearly to be abolished in the community because of the negative impact for the community. Therefore, the existence of Baitul Maal wa tamwil (BMT) as a microfinance institution which is operated by the Islamic principles is considered very important to eliminate the practice of moneylenders in the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the role that has been carried out by BMT in efforts to eliminate the practice of moneylenders and to determine the role played by BMT is optimal or not in efforts to eliminate the practice of moneylenders.Dataanalysistool in this study using quantitative descriptive analysis data collection through interviews.Data processing is done by using lnear programming, with the help of an application program LINDO, to complete the mathematical modeling used to optimize an objective with various constraints. Were then analyzed by analysis of primal, dual, and sensitivity.The conclusion of this study is the role performed by BMT Amal Atina and BMT Berkah Mandiri Sejahtera in efforts to eliminate the practice of the moneylender is not optimal, because the resources used to minimize the practice of excessive or moneylenders in the community still has not been used optimally.

Open Access

Until now the teacher's role in building students' mathematical communication skills, especially in learning mathematics is still very limited. Communication ability is a very important aspect that needs to be owned by students who want to succeed in their studies. In line with that, according to Kist (Clark, 2005) effective communication skills are abilities that students need to have for all subjects.
 Mathematical communication skills (mathematical communication) in learning mathematics really need to be developed. This is because through mathematical communication students can organize their mathematical thinking both orally and in writing. In addition, students can also provide appropriate responses between students and the media in the learning process. Even in social interactions, someone who has good communication skills will tend to adapt more easily to anyone where he is in a community, which in turn will become a successful person in his life.
 In this paper, the author presents the notion of mathematical communication skills, with the scope of two things, namely students' ability to use mathematics as a communication tool (math language), and students' ability to communicate the mathematics learned as the content of the message that must be conveyed. How and why communication is important to build a mathematical community through open lines of communication in the classroom.

Open Access

The nation of Indonesia, which is getting bigger, has not been spared from this advance in information technology, even though in general it is at the consumer/user level which is far behind from neighboring countries which have entered the level of technology designers and producers of information technology components, especially in the computer field. Advances in Information and Communication Technology have driven many changes, including in the field of education which gave birth to the concept of e-learning. The integration of information and communication technology in education at madrasas improves the quality of education at madrasas and the ease of da'wah. The impact of the integration of information and communication technology in education is to accelerate computer literacy in Indonesian society. The world of information technology now provides many choices for everyone. The Islamic Religious Education Teacher (GPAI) is no exception. For example internet-based learning, the use of telematics, e-learning, blogs, multimedia resource centers, learning technology through comics, and video conferencing. There are several examples of the use of technology that can be utilized in PAI learning, namely: 1) audio technology; 2) visual technology; 3) visual-audio technology; 4) Internet-based technology. All of this can be used by GPAI in improving the quality of Islamic religious educationt.

Open Access